
W Club Members Reminder - Lottery for Renegade Dasha Ends Soon

W Club members are vying via lottery for the last FR2 doll of this season's line. She is Dasha Renegade.
Renegade was shown at the FR Convention. She is the same price as the other FR2 dolls, $175. There are 300 of them and there will probably be 3000 entries.

Integrity Toys Photo
I would definitely like to add her to my collection but the competition for this one is fierce. If you win a chance in the lottery and don't want her, please come to me. Let's make a deal.  ;-)

The deadline for entries is March 28 10:00 AM CST (Chicago time.)

1 comment:

  1. I am passing on her. Good luck to those that want her.


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