
Update: Renegade Dasha will come to Woodstock

A wonderful doll collector friend has allowed me to take over her lottery win for Dasha! I am thrilled.

But my darn GPS can't find the location of this tree.

In the meanwhile, Red Rabbit Misaki would like to say hello. Beware. She will eat your crops.


  1. Congrats Terri, on getting the complete Dasha after all!

    As for the tree, if you ever find her, don't forget I am your friend... send me some seeds to Portugal please, I would cherish them very much untill they become a wonderfull huge tree ;)

  2. Beautiful doll and photos, Terri!
    I LOVE your sense of humor of late..making me laugh!!! Thank YOU.

    gerri XXXXX

  3. Save you gas, Terri. I already picked that tree bare. I love Misaki's dress. Congrats on winning the opportunnity to spend more money! There's something inherently wrong with winning a lottery where you don't win money, but spend it instead. LOL!


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