
W Club Lottery Results

I was not lucky in this one. Apparently my luck has run out permanently as I haven't gotten a bite in more than a year! The spousal unit's account wins once in a while. So far joining the W Club this year has been a waste of money. I didn't order any of the upgrade dolls and I didn't get the opportunity to purchase a darn thing. 

Bah Humbug.


  1. I'm so sorry Terri :(

    But there will be more loteries, fabulous I'm sure. There will be a Poppy, and I'm sure a couple others!

    I'll be emailing you shortly

  2. I am sorry you were not lucky this time, Terri.

    I am just So In Love with this cat photograph!!!


  3. @Gerri:
    It is a gorgeous cat. I had one just like him but his eyes were gold/green. He was mesmerizing.

  4. So much for random-pick lotteries! Piss someone off and you might as well kiss the lotteries goodbye!

  5. It's me, Huntress!


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