Soon I will be back to taking pictures with a real camera. It's been so long. My studio is getting the finishing touches this week. It feels like forever.
Here is a partial view of the room.
The big window is called an egress window. In PA all houses with basements built after a certain year have to be built with a way to exit other than using the staircase to go up. I have another smaller window on the adjacent wall. Lots of light. My last studio was constructed as a darkroom - literally - and that's what it was. There was no light at all other than artificial. This will be interesting to see how and if I incorporate the light into my work.
Yes, the black and white floor was intentional as it is exactly how I did the flooring in my darkroom years ago.
Yesterday I finished redressing the last Fashion Royalty doll. They were the most time consuming of all dolls to redress and display. I did lots of body swapping as I'm tending to like the slimmer bodies of the Monogram dolls for some of my FR.
Here are some random display pics from last night.
My current crop of Eugenias. |
Another gorgeous Vanessa. |
She's been on display in our bedroom this past week. |
Silkies are the best for displaying early Fashion Royalty fashions. |
Poor thing is still naked. I'm not loving her. |
Only a few Gene dolls left to dress. |
The only Agnes (left) I have kept out of all of them. |
In this and the next two photos are some of my older FR dolls. Several have been re-rooted and all have been re-bodied. Dress on the right is a Huckleberry Jackson. |
The Kyori on the right is one of the very few dolls I own that has never been redressed. She was the last Atelier doll. |
I love my Mini Avantguard dolls. |
Somehow Liz doesn't belong. |
What a serious waste of money this doll was. I hate her hair. Her outfit is cheap. Only the sculpt is nice. |
She has been transferred to one of Angelic Dreamz demi-Jamieshow bodies. If I could, I'd put all my Silkstone dolls on these articulated, BJD bodies. They are fabulous. |
Currently I have two Dynamite Dolls. That's more than I usually have. The girl dolls' clothes are from Clear Lan. Boots on left are Azone. Green handbag is Purse of the Month from a while back. |
I purchased the outfit from the Kesenia "Your Kind of Model" doll after seeing IRL pictures. The doll's vampire mouth still doesn't appeal to me, but the outfit is wonderful.
The base dress is a pastel pink strappy cocktail sheath and will stand alone as a lovely garment. It's beautifully designed and constructed. The over dress is sheer black with silver and black embroidery.
The shoes are too small for FR2 feet but they are also nicely designed.
My model is a re-rooted True Royalty Vanessa who is sporting an FR2
body. I had to 'tie' the straps on the pink dress to make the bodice
smaller for this body.
It comes with silver colored jewelry (earrings, bracelet and ring) an
embroidered handbag with a magnetic closure and a faux fur jacket.
That's a lot of fashion and well worth it.
And for a little comic relief:
Modern Reproduction Ginny dolls. |