"Aerodynamic" and "Heat Seeker" are two of the four new basic Fashion Royalty dolls for this season. They arrived yesterday and had their photo shoot. I have not liked the new Natalia dolls until this one. Perhaps it's the simple styling of her hair. She's a keeper.
As for Vanessa, if she's going to sport black lips, she needs the rest of the look to go along with it.
According to Kamola Navo
www.thefashiontime.com (August, 2008)
"Black lips, reminiscent of the dark 90s, emerged at the YSL, Giles, and Luella Fall/Winter ‘09 fashion shows. Black lipstick showcases the magic power of decadent Goth aesthetics, along with the potential to be elegant and sophisticated, when applied correctly.
The general opinion of bloggers is that black lipstick is for Halloween or the runway. Maybe Vanessa will keep her black lips, for now, and get a suitably fashionable hairstyle to go along with the look.
There are two quality control issues with the dolls. I have brought this up previously and apparently it is not being addressed. The heels of the boots are too high and the doll cannot stand straight when the heel and sole are placed on a horizontal surface. What is so difficult about making heels the correct height? People do not walk around with their knees bent. The boots could have been the coolest part of the basic fashions on these dolls.
Be careful not to pull too tightly as the laces will tear their way right through the boots as there are no grommets. You can see the holes beginning to tear and this was the first time I put them on. They will not last long at this rate.
The hairline rooting pattern is uneven at the forehead. Each of the four dolls has the problem to a greater or lesser degree.
Retail price $79. Available at all Integrity dealers who carry Fashion Royalty.