The real problems are dealing with the equipment and tools from the arts I've been involved in for the last 25 years - outside of the doll world - darkroom photography, painting, woodworking, miniaturing, jewelry making, enameling, faux finishing, sewing, embroidery, casting...you wouldn't believe it. I should have been trying to sell this equipment but I didn't and it's all nicely packed up waiting to come along to the next location. OMG.
Craig's list is going to be very familiar with me soon, I hope. Or will I get obsessed with something else and ignore the need to divest myself of these things that have become burdens?
I have lately been enjoying and participating in Pinterest which has inspired me to get back to the other arts. Even doll collecting has opportunities for me to create. I've tried my hand at repainting and that is not something I can do successfully other than retouch or enhance but I can make wigs. I can create instead of accumulate. I love my dolls and I get a great deal of pleasure from looking at them and touching them and posing them but it's gone too far. They keep coming and then what? Thank goodness I've been selling all along or I'd have to get Rudy a job.
Inspiration is what has been lost but it's temporary. And it's the season of change. All is well.
Back to packing.
You've got to keep your sense of humor.