
My Flame Blue Vanessa is Where?

It's nine days since I paid for her and I just couldn't wait any longer so I emailed the liaisons at the W Club.
I received a very kind response from Luanne (who is always very pleasant and helpful). She told me that she would contact the business office of Integrity Toys. I'm assuming someone there actually read her email because about 1 hour later I got a shipping notice.

I know I'm not their favorite customer but really.....

Image Source: http://www.nataliedee.com/archives/2006/Apr/


  1. ... they didn't even ship your doll yet? *jaw drops*

  2. Whew!!! Glad she is finally on her way. It's really the worst doll to be delayed for you since you are a huge Vanessa fan. At least you've had plenty of time to pick out clothes and accessories for her arrival picture.



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