I just love the little Madame Alexander dolls and their accessories. I adore my larger fashion dolls but these little creations make me smile and laugh. Just look at this creation called "I'm Melting Witch" from the Hollywood Series. It comes with 1-1/2 dolls. The witch is melting into a puddle. Water is splashing out of 8" Dorothy's bucket. Tulle is flying upward as the witch melts into nothingness. It's just so adorable and sometimes I need

These images are from the Doll Market's website. It's fun to browse and sometimes they have sales...not very often, but last year I found two Cissy dolls for less money there than anywhere else.
This particular set goes for $69.97.
Here's a pretty 10" Cissette I'd like to add to my collection. The MADC does Rocketttes in different sizes. (The Radio City Rockettes Collection.) This sparkling beauty is called "Dancing In Diamonds" and her outfit is designed by Bob Mackie. It won't be released until May, 2010 and retails for $111.96.

I like so many different types of dolls. I'm so doomed.
Bessie Coleman (January 26, 1892—April 30, 1926) was an American civil aviator. She was the first person of African American descent to become a licensed airplane pilot, and the first American of any race or gender to hold an international pilot license. Here is a delightful representation of Bessie as a 10" fully articulated AA Cissette in a wonderful aviator outfit. Like most MADC fashions the details are well done and smart-looking.

Bessie Coleman was released in 2009 and retails for $103.89.
Just one more...
This is another version of Dorothy called "Dorothy And Ruby Slippers." She is a 10" Cissette who is clad in a modern version of the iconic fashion. Look at the accessories: three pairs of red shoes, little shoe boxes, Toto in a basket. Heavenly!

The retail price at the Doll Market for this doll is $79.97.
I'm starting to rethink my title for this article. Perhaps they are fashion dolls after all. I think I may need to broaden my definitions or get rid of titles.
The list of dolls I don't like: freaky-smiling anorexic Barbies with blue eyelashes, Dead dolls, re-born life like baby dolls, scary vampire and monster dolls, Chucky, clown dolls, and most life-sized dolls.
What dolls don't you like? I'd love to see lists!