
What I Would Order...

Sometimes I put together a fantasy order instead of a real one. It provides a little bit of buying satisfaction and I know that I can safely list anything I want.

First up, this is what I'd get from the NuMood collection:
Basic Sydney because I love Sydney and she can wear all of my currrent Tyler fashions. I'd get a set of convertible feet.
Then I would get these pieces from the collection. Lots of mix and match goodness here.

The cost of this order would be $524.88 at full retail.  Interesting that it doesn't look like so much money when you look at the separates.
OK so I'm not going to do it because it is nearly what a nice nude Sybarite would cost me.
I do love those flat shoes! I'll bet they would fit the Avanguard flat foot. But I hate the AG bodies -they've all turned yellow and are floppy.

Focus, Terri, focus.
From the other introduced products I might get this guy (Freedom For Fashion Neo Tokyo $199.99)  because he's hot-looking and I like his outfit.

I'd get Ms. Beetlejuice (224.99) to scare away evil demons and because she is a very weird-looking doll. I like her as an oddity.

I would order Emily ($224.99) for her outfit. The doll herself would have to go live elsewhere because she reminds me too much of Evangeline Ghastly.

Marvel Comics' Black Cat ($159.99) might get a spot in my collection because she is very pretty. Someone else would be happy to get her outfit, I'm sure. I love her blonde eyebrows!

This fantasy order would retail for $809.96. Fantasies are easy to come by.

At these prices, a car ride to Kingston for an hour of gazing and a little touching fits into my budget very well.


Tonner Products Part 2 (Yes, there's more!)

This is one of the most interesting, eclectic releases, including NuMood, that I remember in a long time. As I said in my previous Tonner product post, there's something for everyone. This part of the release includes Antoinette, Cami & Jon, American Models, DC and Marvel Characters, Freedom for Fashion, new Pirates of the Caribbean figures, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride and Ms. Beetlejuice, Oz, Gone with the Wind and a Hollywood Glamour, Madame de L'Amour Outfit. Wow! I can barely get my mind around all of this fantastic stuff!
Here are just a few samples. At the end of this post will be a link to everything.
The Corpse Bride is channeling Evangeline IMO. Hmmm.
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride $224.99
Antoinette Starshine Outfit $89.99
Hollywood Glamour, Madame de L'Amour Outfit $139.99
Tim Burton's Ms. Beetlejuice $224.99
Prices listed are all retail. The best dealers discount 10% right off the top. It used to be 15% Things have changed for sure.

2012 Preview Release

Tonner's New Products Revealed

The Nu Mood collection has been revealed. This new line is a collection of 7 dolls, body parts, wigs, separates, and shoes.
The incredibly well-priced, at only $59., basic dolls come in a one piece bodysuit.  Starting from the top left going clockwise they are Tyler-Fashion, Sydney-Fashion, Carrie-Dance, Betty-Curvy, Paige-Curvy, Jess-Dance and Parker-Dance.
I do not know if these dolls are wigged. It looks like three of them are not. 

It appears that the title after each one's name indicates the type of body upon which the head comes. It looks like the NuMood Fashion body is the original Tyler regular bust body with removable feet (and hands.)
The dance body comes with toe feet and the curvy body comes with a larger bust. There are 2 vinyl colors called Tyler skin tone and Spice skin tone. But which Tyler skin tone is that? I'm guessing it's not the original darker Tyler.

There are three types of hands in both skintones - Set of three pairs for $24.99
There are three types of feet in both skintones - Set of three pairs of feet for $24.99
The clothing and accessories are three pairs of ballerina toe shoes, 9 high heels, 3 pairs of sandals, 1 pair of open toe flats, a gorgeous pair of beaded ankle boots, faux suede boots, 5 handbags, 7 wigs, 3 pairs of pants, and an assortment of beautiful chiffon and taffeta tops and bottoms in various lengths. I love the clothes!

There is something here for everyone looking for a customizable doll! I think the price points are excellent. Bravo Mr. Tonner and Company!

Click here to see the entire collection.


January - A Slippery Slope for Collectors

With IDEX and New York Toy Fair just around the corner, new doll lines are set to debut. Dealers and manufacturers are anxious to make room for the new products and the sales abound. Collectors are "winter cleaning" their collections and offering up some great stuff. What's a helpless collector to do?  Here's a rundown (read: admission) of my January activities so far:

FR16 Spring Kissed (nude) It hasn't arrived yet but my motivation was that I would use the body for an older Avantguard and sell this giant Poppy face.
FR2 Dominique Makeda Impossibly Beautiful. It was on sale for $50 less than the original retail. I wanted her body and outfit. Sadly, very few want her head so I will probably be stuck with it. Pictures follow.
Superfrock Testament Fashion - Second time around. I sold my first before I ever had Sybarite dolls.
Superdoll iBean sunglasses
Sybarite Blade pantsuit and miscellaneous accessories.
Superfrock Pet Carrier from Automatic
Ponytail wig from Cheryl Wood.
Two reroots and a custom jacket.
Monster High Cleo de Nile’s Vanity and a lot of Monster High Odds and Ends: Although these are adorable, I think this has cured me from buying any more MH stuff. What a waste!
W Club Memberships: We'll see. I did not order any of the upgrade dolls as I didn't care for them.
Perfectly Purple Poppy: This was a pre-order that was delayed for about 8 months.
Theatre de la Mode ROYALE #82: Another  delayed pre-order.
Tonner Deluxe Fashion Closet: A great bargain.
And then there are the dogs. Sigh. 

Meet Krypto.

 This is a Tonner product and was made to accompany his Superman figure from several years ago. Sadly he is stained from the red cape but I may have him painted eventually. Why did I buy this? I loved the original Superman comics and Krypto was such a great dog. January fever got me so Krypto moved in.
If that weren't enough...
Obitsu makes these jointed dogs and in a January mindset, $25. each seemed like a good idea. I bought a white one as well but I can't find it and it's not even out of it's box. Sigh, again.
No she's not a dog. Miami Glow Vanessa was the recipient of Dominique's body and fashion. I like the gown now. There were some problems with the product, however. The beautiful silk (?) gown was stitched to the box and even with ultra careful removal, thread holes remain. I even steamed the fabric to no avail. Sad. It's really a beautifully designed and carefully constructed garment. The body itself is the first FR2 body I have received that was wobbly. There is a huge space at the thigh joint which allows the legs to swing loosely. Going backward? My temporary fix is to put tape around the joint (not inside) to hold it. The seams on this body are not finished nicely. She's got stripes on her arms and neck and probably on her legs, too, where the seams are joined.  I don't know if I will seek a replacement body.

I was ill all week and I thought I'd feel better if I deboxed something. I am a deboxer but occasionally I will get a Mattel product and put it somewhere without opening it. Too bad I was able to find this one - the Grace Kelly Trousseau. This has to be one of the least attractive of all modern Mattel sculpts. Not only is it unattractive, they forgot the matte finish. 
The second outfit is a very nice navy sheath. Unfortunately the coat is not made properly. The empire seam which should be under the bust, hits almost at the largest part of the but. It was cut too short for a silkstone body. There is a big white hat but it never made it into the pictures. It's probably hiding with the white Obitsu dog somewhere.

Needless to say, deboxing this set did not make me feel better. 

Did you all have a good January (so far?)

Wilde Imagination's Lizettte Arrives

Wilde Imagination has announced the arrival of Ellowyne's new friend, Lizette. There is one basic doll and two dressed dolls.

The basic is a wigged doll, Essential Lizette, and sure to be very popular.  I like the wild wig look much better than the smooth one. It gives her character and works perfectly with her skin color. She's adorable! She is $119. and WI is offering free shipping until midnight January 31st.

This dressed doll is called A New Girl in Town. I like her hairstyle which is rooted. The rest of the outfit is odd and looks like something a waitress or a volunteer nurse would wear. Part of her back story is Lizette collects hats.
"Pretty Little Lizette" is shown here and I love her outfit! She is wigged (removable) and that's a good thing because I don't think this wig works for her at all. Both dressed dolls are $149.

I would love to see Lizette's ethnicity fully embraced with frizzy hair and all. I hope I'm not being politically incorrect but this is a dark skinned doll. She has AA features and I'd enjoy seeing WI run with that.  

Someone made an oopsie.