
Picture of the Week Award ~ May 23, 2010 ~ Parisuthi Wasanasomsithi

This photo was posted recently on the W Club board and attracted a great amount of attention and praise. You can see why.Pictured is the beautiful new doll, "Great Pretender" Lillith, dressed as a joker on a playing card. The photographer is Parisuthi Wasanasomsithi aka Paris W. The original doll has not been altered in any way. Paris is a digital master! He created the background as well using his artistic computer skills.
Lillith's own tulle skirt has been used as the neck ruffle above Regal Estate Agnes' dress.

Paris used a Canon Ixus to capture the original image.

When asked if he had any suggestions for other doll photographers he replied, "Keep on doing whatever makes you happy." I like that suggestion.

Congratulations, Paris, on the Picture of the Week Award!

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