
A Photoshoot, Finally!

Yesterday I took the time to photograph a bunch of dollies that have been patiently waiting. The time before a convention is nice and peaceful without many new dolls arriving. Next month at this time, the chaos will have subsided but there will be chaos.

Here's an assortment for you.

Tonner's Vivacious Antoinette in Summer Nights
I'm pretty bored with Antoinette already and I will not be adding new ones. This is the latest dress I received from the Cami & Jon line. They wear the same clothes. The dress is pretty vanilla - nothing new. It definitely is lacking pizzazz.

Mini  Aphrodisiac in a Pam Seeman Dress
I love this doll and she is as beautiful as her larger sister. I picked up this couch from Facets. The earrings were gifts from Facets as well. Shoes are from a Fashion Royalty fashion.
The "Egyptian" chair was purchased in a local head shop/crystal store.

Beatnik Blues Poppy Parker wearing Sealed With A Kiss

 Getting this doll's bangs to lay properly is an exercise in futility. She should have been wigged. I love the outfits being created for this line of dolls.

Coney Island Saturday Poppy Parker wearing Beatnik Blues
She looks afraid. This is not a very popular edition and perhaps the designers will take a hard look at the eyes going forward. The first year Poppy's eyes were more expressive and less anime. Teens in the era from which Poppy is supposed to come did not wear big hair rolls on their foreheads. That's from the 40's.
Am I imagining it or is Poppy supposed to be a little pigeon-toed? I don't like that Robert Tonner did that with Tiny Kitty in order to make her look more kittenish and vulnerable. Imagine a boy doll with pigeon toes? It's so sexist.

Mini Gene Wearing Look of Love Poppy Fashion
 Mini-Gene dolls sport my favorite 12" doll sculpt. It's delightful to find that there are clothes for them.

Target Exclusive Barbie Basics With Shoes from Shoe Pack
No, I still do not collect Barbie Dolls. I do buy them occasionally to see what all the fuss is about however. I purchased the big shoe pack and these zebra striped pumps were my favorites. I hoped against hope that some of the shoes would fit Fashion Royalty but no luck. It would be nice if these dolls were articulated (she said, again.)
The doll has a pretty face - she's soooo white it even bothers me. Hehe.
It's cute.

Hair is the usual choppy mess and this picture is after I trimmed and conditioned it!

Puki Puki "Rudy" Wearing Kelly Clothes and a Tabloach Wig
My poor Puki Pukis are very neglected. They sit around staring at the big girls getting changed and being played with.  Here, Ruby is examining her fishbowl and planning to take the fish out for a walk.

Traveler Innoquii Transformed!

Petra Becker from Germany sent me a picture of her Traveler from whom she removed the black eye spot. She sanded with different grits of paper and I think she did an amazing job. After removing the spot she used acrylic paint for the eye and eyebrow and pastel for the upper cheek area. Take a look at this picture of hers.

Image by Petra Becker

For comparison, here is a before picture of my Traveler doll.What a difference!

I'm torn between removing the spot and leaving it. I don't love it but it's edgy and unique. One day I'd like to get the bride doll from this series which currently is selling for about $300. That's a big difference from the $75 for Traveler!

Traveler can wear many Avantguard clothes but bottoms that are very tight on the AGs may be impossible to get on.  All the ultra short dresses are close to perfect on Traveler. Shoes will fit, too.

I wonder if her stringing will loosen up over time? Her elbow joints are extremely snappy. Every other joint works nicely. I am still very pleased with her.


We Have Received One Lovely Blog Award

 Alison in California from the Fashion Doll Review has included us in their list of blogs they enjoy reading. Thank you very  much, Alison. I also enjoy reading yours!

The rules for this prize, if you'd like to play along are as follows:
Write a post about this prize, including the photo above and link to the blog which awarded you the prize. Then award it to 15 blogs that you enjoy reading.

My picks for this award are:

1. Comatose Bunny Dreamer    http://citronrouge-comatosebunnydreamer.blogspot.com/
2  Creazione - Creation in Miniature      http://emiliacouture.blogspot.com/
3. Fashionably Plastic                             http://creativelymj.blogspot.com/
4. The ArtPoint                                       http://theartpoint.blogspot.com/
5. Miss Gene Marshall                            http://missgenemarshall.blogspot.com/
6. Paint Me White                                   http://www.paintmewhite.com/
7. Fleur de Lys News                              http://fleurdelysdolls.blogspot.com/
8. Dolldom                                              http://dolldom.blogspot.com/
9. Diane on Whidbey Island                   http://dianeonwhidbeyisland.blogspot.com/
10. Dollphilia                                          http://dollphilia.blogspot.com
11. Infidel                                                http://infidel-aquabluerose.blogspot.com/
12. My Passion is: DOLLS                     http://passionatedolls.blogspot.com/
13. Royalty.Girl                                       http://royalty-girl.blogspot.com/
14. Soultalk777 A Scarlett Reverie         http://soultalk777.blogspot.com/
15. Brooklyn Stars Forever                     http://brooklynstars-forever.blogspot.com/

Great work everyone! I want to note that there are many other blogs I enjoy and recommend. Some have already received this award so I have decided to share the wealth among other bloggers.