
Picture of the Week Award ~ August 6, 2009

This week's award goes to LeeAnn in Pennsylvania for this wonderfully funny picture of her doll called Devil Debra. Debra's antics often include a Voodoo doll that sports a multitude of pins.

LeeAnn told me that Debra inspires her and often provides a channel for expressing feelings. The doll itself is an Elfdoll by Rainman whose original name is Hana (Devil). It came in two versions although both were neuter gendered. The differences were the face-ups and outfits. The doll is a 20cm resin BJD that was released in 2006 and came with four different face-plates.

See more wonderfully humorous photos showcasing this doll's antics at 5th Avenue Vixens
and on Prego where LeeAnn is the Admin.
Congratulations, LeeAnn, on creating a big personality from a small doll that so many of us enjoy.


Antoinette Outfit - POSH

Of the three Antoinette separate outfits I ordered, this is the only one that had an ill-fitting piece. The front bodice of the jacket is too large and it bulges out at the bustline and above. Other than that, the outfit is cute and well made. What I don't understand is this: the designers get the prototypes from the factory, they try them on the dolls hopefully and then give the go ahead or not. If a garment has such an outstanding fitting issue, why is it not addressed at the time? I would really love to know the procedure that goes into pre-approving the manufacture of the product. Is it acceptable for a $95. outfit to be released if there is something wrong with it?

It's difficult to see what I'm talking about from looking at these images. One of the heels of the shoes is attached at an odd angle as well.
Now that I look at the promotional image, I see that it may be showing up there as well - including the crooked heel on the right shoe (her right).
This Image is the Property of Tonner Doll Company


Picture of the Week Award ~ August 2, 2009

This week's award goes to our Canadian collector and friend, Wil Herold.

In this image, the viewer's eyes are drawn to Nadja's eyes and captured there. They are mesmerizing.
The repaint and reroot were done by the fabulously talented doll artist, Park. The gown is an Ovaz.
Wil posts on the Pink Parlor as wilbcliche. His images are far from cliches!

You can see more of his work on Flickr.

Congratulations, Wil!