I am so tired! Bob, Rudy and I had a very pleasant day out. We had lunch outside at the Hard Rock Cafe where there is a cool fountain that is timed to music. The weather was amazing for this time of year in the northeast.
(You can click on any picture in my blog to see it enlarged.)
We navigated the insane streets and signs of Pittsburgh with the help of a GPS that was often wrong. Ugh.
Back at the hotel the cocktail party began at 5PM. Tickets were $35. to attend. Each person got an ITBE doll in a white terry cloth robe. The servers were also wearing terry cloth robes which was kind of strange...like they were invited to a pajama party that no one else knew about.
The snacks were very good - crackers, bread sticks, flatbreads, cheeses, spreads, raw vegetables, dried fruit, nuts. There was a piano player. I met people with whom I had become friends on-line and had never met in person. It was very nice.
Then it was off to the room sales which were in full swing by this time. One seller had brought a suitcase full of nude FR, NuFace and other dolls which were flying out as fast as she could unpack them! It was unbelievable.
I know this is a bad photograph but it gives you an idea of what one encountered in her room. This was after lots of shopping had been done already.
I did manage to force myself to buy a Reluctant Debutante Poppy. LOL. I'd been looking for one for a while.
Other sellers had OOAK fashions and dolls, furniture, Barbies, and pretty much every doll related item under the sun. I have some more pictures but there's not enough time or energy to post everything tonight. Part of the time I had Rudy with me. He has never received more attention. Imagine you are a 10 pound dog surrounded by frenzied doll collectors who are shrieking and approaching you with arms out. Actually, Rudy handled it quite well. When he had enough he wanted me to pick him up and get him out of there. He's such a great dog.
Rob and Rudy |
Dolls in Designer Fashions |
Matt Trujillo with one of his creations. |
Finally, my new Poppy, sort of dressed in one of my two new "Doves" outfits that a friend delivered for me.
There will be other photos I will post after the convention. Stay tuned.