
I Cannot Believe the Price of These Dolls on Sale

Cherished Friends New Jersey Store has put a few dolls on sale that are irresistible at these prices. I've been saved only because I'm packed and ready to move in a few days. I probably would get Lust to go with my Vice Cissy.

Lust by Jason Wu Cissy 21" Doll is now $99.99.


I feel for those who paid the full SRP of $349.95 although it probably wasn't that many people. 

"L'Enfant Terrible" Neo Cissy and "Blu Belle" Neo Cissy are both on sale for $39.99.

This only serves to reinforce the fact that Cissy Doll lovers will not be swayed to go freaky when it comes to their dolls. 

The shop has a nice selection of dolls at decent prices so if you are one of the few that has any money at this time...go on over there and buy, buy, buy!

In other news on the homefront: Domina arrived on Friday and I haven't even looked in the box yet. I feel like what's the point?  I won't be able to take her out and play because I don't have time.  I want to savor the experience of a new Sybarite as fully as possible and under these circumstances that's impossible. I'm just dying to open the box, though.




Friday, July 6 and Saturday,  July 7, 2012

9 AM to 3 PM

No early birds or calls, please.

Clothes, vintage items, gardening tools, general tools, books, shoes.
Exercise equipment, antiques, craft supplies and machines, kitchen, crystal, miniature chairs, decorative items, pig collection. Tupperware, deck furniture.  No baby stuff.
Custom dog house for a large dog.
Concrete Bird Bath.
Old sled.
Porch Swing.
Vintage farm tools.
Old horseshoes.
Lots of country and a little bit of Brooklyn.

Good stuff with a little junk thrown in for ambiance.

Come prepared with lots of small bills and your own packing materials.

1748 Glasco Turnpike
Woodstock, NY 12498

Will also show up as Saugerties on a GPS

Take a trip upstate New York. Enjoy the Mid-Hudson Valley.

Spend money!



Nigel Chia's Gioiello Twins

 I asked Nigel to send me some information on two of his gorgeous dolls whose pictures I saw yesterday.
See more of Nigel Chia's creations at his website:  www.nigelchiabridalcouture.blogspot.com/
The Gioiello Twins, as its name “jewel” in Italian are inspired by Ruby and Sapphire, thus I named them Ruby and Sapphy. They are one of a kind Deva Dolls specially designed by NiGel.ChiA which is limited to only ONE for each doll in worldwide. Both of them, Ruby and Sapphy have a reshaped face with higher cheek bone, more refined nose and jaw line; with different makeup by NiGel.ChiA, they transformed into twins that have totally different personality. They even come with private part detail drawing, full body blushing and French nails which giving them a more realistic look than normal fashion dolls! The red and blue couture gowns are specially design by NiGel.ChiA for both of them. Ruby is the symbolic of fire and passion while Sapphy is the symbolic of water and calmness. They also come with removable hard wig cap with Tibiet mohair (Sapphy) and high temperature hair (Ruby), with a special hairdo and hair cut, they are non-other than high fashion sweet heart!

Did you know that Nigel designs human fashion? Some of the photographs of his dolls on his website are so realistic it's hard to tell the difference. Here he is with one of his living models.