
When Bad English is Good for a Laugh

Discovered as a result of Googling for "Tea Time at the Plaza" Gene:

"1999 FAO Schwarz Exclusive Tea Time during a Plaza Gene In 1999, a brand new Gene doll was denounced during a special eventuality during FAO Schwarz."

Artpoint Interview of Mel Odom is a Must Read!

Mel posted a link to an interview of himself done by Philip Clark on his blog, The Artpoint. The interview is punctuated by numerous illustrations done by Mr. Odom. I found myself moved to tears while reading;  however, it is an uplifting and positive self-evaluation by an artist and doll lover.

Mel Odom: The Art of Intention


Happy 4th of July ~ Picture of the Week ~ Rae from the Doll Page

"Danae" OOAK Ficon "Alpha" sculpt with face up by K. Superdoll Sybarite "Sureal" dress and "Avalon" wig. Silver star bangle bracelet (maker unknown). In the collection of and photography by Rae.


Tricky Eugenia with her hair down.

I broke one of my rules this morning and photographed a doll in full sun. Shame on me. The result was overly contrasty and unacceptable. That's when Photoshop comes in with it's tricky filters. When I need to rescue a picture, I fool around with the filters until the picture looks as if I meant it to be that way.

Eugenia's head is fully rooted (YAY) and comes out of the ponytail easily. I just had to trim a tiny bit from the part that was wrapped around the tail. Because her hair was factory crimped, the mark from the rubber band isn't so pronounced that it requires boil straightening. This was an easy one. I like the look much better this way.


Deneuve ~ A Quiet Life

I have had this lovely doll for about a month now. Honestly, I did not know what to do with her at first and then I came to realize that I didn't have to do anything. This is a quiet doll. At first I didn't like the size of her nose. I was focused on that and it was disturbing. Now she is becoming more beautiful every day. 
She's had three photo shoots and is very easy to photograph. The resin accommodates daylight and flash beautifully.
She is soft and waiting.