I ordered the new Barbie Basics. I like them. The cost me about $16. each and for that small amount you get an articulated body, nice hair and a Mattel outfit. Not bad. They're fun play dolls to have around. I'm looking forward to taking more pictures of them. The worst thing was taking them out of their ridiculous
packaging. A person can get injured removing all that plastic.
Elise told me in no uncertain terms that she will not wear any more boring black clothing. She raided Misaki's stash.
I don't think her sophisticated face and hair go with the pink and orange outfit but it sure was fun.
Finally, I purchased this dress from a gal in or around Czechoslovakia (or somewhere far away like that.)
I love it!
This lady shipped the dress so fast I think she's really in Brooklyn. (Actually she is in the Ukraine and her name is Olga Kaltya.)
Here is a rerooted Veronique wearing the garment and looking as gorgeous as only the true Veronique can look. Do you know who this Vero was originally?