
Kingdom Doll Eira

I have one word to describe Eira—PERFECT.

The only problem I have with her is when I put another doll alongside they pale by comparison.



  1. Hell Terri, she is beautiful doll and I love her dress,her necklace and her wig too.Congrats for having Eira KD doll

  2. She really is SO gorgeous. I just love her face and sculpt and beautiful gown and accessories. I only wish they had gone with faux fur.

  3. Terri, the solution is easy- she's a stand alone display doll!!! LOVE the colors on this one. Everything about her is so classic!!!

  4. I love mine too Terri! After trying for Brighton and almost every Kingdom doll released after her, I was amazed to have my purchase of Eire go through without a hitch! She was worth the wait, and I'm very happy with everything about her except the fit of her gown...cut a bit too low and small to stay on her bust properly. But everything else about her is lovely and she displays nicely with my growing JamieShow doll collection. :)


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