
Deva Doll Angelo

Deva Angelo is gorgeous.  He arrived today as did the Chewin outfit I had purchased a few weeks ago. That was a nice coincidence.
Angelo is a 16" resin BJD with a great body. His stringing is a bit looser than I'm used to but he stands well on his own Deva stand.  I have to get a few wigs for him but in the meanwhile, I love him just the way he is.  His face was painted by Chewin, a master painter and clothier.
These are cell phone pix. I wanted to share him right away. He will get plenty of time in my studio soon.

I have to admit that Angelo is the priciest doll I've ever acquired and I had to sell a couple of items to cover him and the other goodies that are on their way. Sometimes you do get what you pay for.

Just four months in to 2014 and it's time to put the brakes on!

When have I heard that before?


  1. Wow he's dreamy! Love his face- nice threads too!

  2. Paying alot is worth it if you love the doll. That's how I feel about my OOAK Inamorata. Sometimes one good dinner is worth bypassing weeks of fast food.

  3. Uriah - I have two OOAK Inamorata's - aren't they divine? As you said, totally worth it. I see how much a Sybarite is and a OOAK isn't that much more in many instances. So worth it. So totally worth it.

    And Terri - your doll looks more than worth it! I'm adding a male doll to my collection as well, and I hope he looks as great as yours does :)

  4. Terri, Angelo is AWESOME. Totally gorgeous!


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