
RestoreDoll.Com Not Closing as Planned

A letter was sent out tonight to all RestoreDoll.Com customers by owner, Kathy Gray. She will not be retiring along with the business as her niece is going to pick up the reins and run the operation. Kathy will be semi-retired and continue to answer email and discuss doll restoration with customers.
The current 30% discount will continue. Kathy also announced that they will be introducing 24 new colors of Katsilk Saran this year. New paint colors will be added as well.

10 Skein Special KatSilk ® Saran Doll Hair


  1. I didn't get this letter, but this is the best news I've heard in weeks!
    Yay Restoredoll!

  2. Where is the beef-- I mean wig? lol

  3. This is very good news. I'm so glad. Thanks for sharing, Terri.


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