
Autumn 2010 Issue of FDQ

The Autumn 2010 issue of FDQ has hit the newsstands and subscribers are receiving their mailed issues now. My latest piece is an interview I did with the doll fashion designer, OVAZ.  You can see 8 glorious pages of stunning fashions photographed by me with lots of background information about Osvaldo. 

Ovaz has been designing and creating beautiful fashions for 12" dolls for a while but I think he truly stepped up his game with his new collection called "The Cocktail Hour." This collection contains 9 different complete outfits. You get shoes, earrings, a tiny cocktail menu and a purse or other accessory. The packaging is very attractive. This is all hand-crafted for the fantastic price of only $45. - $50.  for each ensemble! 
There are only 30 of each design and they are sure to sell out quickly.

Click on this link to go to Ovaz' website and you will see the fashions and much more:  OVAZ Designs

 You can purchase an issue of FDQ at many doll retailers and directly from FDQ Media

Go forth and read!

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