
Comparison Photos: Violet, Oona, Madra, Gene and Trent

Anne Monday was gracious enough to allow me to repost her excellent photos which compare the newest resin Jamieshow Gene Marshall line to earlier releases.
The new versions are on the right except in the case of Grey Lady Gene.


 Grey Lady Gene (On the right is the original vinyl version.)



Pictures From our Visit to Chicago During Jamieshow Convention

Gino's East

America Windows by Marc Chagall at the Art Institute of Chicago

The Thorne Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago

Millennium Park including Cloud Gate (the Bean) and the Crown Fountain

 Scenes from the Architecture River Cruise

On Michigan Avenue 

Nathan Hale statue ("I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.") at the entrance to the Tribune Tower. It was Red Nose Day which I had never heard of prior to that day. He is sporting a red nose.
Dylan's Candy Bar
Cupcake Kiosk inside Water Tower Place
American Girl Store

Build-A-Bear Workshop store - not just for bears anymore.

Navy Pier Park

Museum of Contemporary Art
Many unusual exhibitions. Fantastic gift shop. 
Stairwell Looks Down to Koi Pond

Unusual seating in the Lobby
We managed to fit in plenty of sight seeing in the short time we were in Chicago.  The weather was fabulous. We could have used many more days there.

on a jet plane
in the rain.


Sybarite Gen-X Mansion and Barbie-like Packaging

Much to my surprise Mansion was delivered by DHL on Memorial Day! I immediately opened the shipper box and was somewhat dismayed to see an angular plastic box wrapped in cellophane.

I know that Superdoll is attempting to stay in business and has produced a vinyl doll to appeal to those who will spend about $400 (give or take) for a doll instead of $700. But, packaging the doll in a plastic fronted box was going too far. At least with Barbie dolls, the box is wrapped in tissue and not cellophane.

Of course she is impossible to photograph through the cellophane. Frustrated, I took it off and the results were not much better.

The box itself has a bendable cardboard back and insert with a cardboard top and bottom that slip in and out of the plastic casing. The flexible plastic casing itself slips off easily.

$400. is not a cheap doll. Integrity packages it's $100. dolls better - so does Mattel.

My doll arrived in an extremely awkward-looking pose (see the third photo above.) It was very distressing and I had to examine her although I did not wish to debox. I straightened the limbs before taking these photos.

I certainly hope Superdoll rethinks their packaging as this is really unacceptable.

Regarding the doll herself, she has a great face and the screening looks very good. Her handbag is adorable and so is the outfit.