
MetroDolls Event Part II

As I posted yesterday, the main speaker at the event was Robert Tonner who talked about the design and evolution of the Deja Vu line. Unfortunately, the new dolls from that line were not ready in time for display. It was the second time I heard this presentation but apparently every time Robert tells the story, he gets funnier. I love his sense of humor.

Small selection of the Tonner display.

Sandra Stillwell Presents showed off her fashions from the recent Every Day's A Holiday convention and several fashions from prior conventions. These are all for sale or pre-order - dolls not included.

Paul Pham brought four stunning Numina dolls with him and was offering for sale a few accessories.

Angelic Dreamz - JamieShow displayed their resin BJD line and attendees could see the newest resin Gene on display as well. The exclusive Grace from the Madrid Fashion Doll event is in the black hat.

MetroDolls themselves offered many fabulous items for sale, two of which came home with me. (Smoking and Eventail)

Facets by Marcia had one of her "I want everything" displays to drool over...wigs, shoes, miniature books, jewelry, pins, furniture, accessories.

Shannon aka Flutterwing Designs showed some of her beautiful work. Not shown below, her auction contribution scored quite high on the bidding list.

Laurie Lenz displayed a few dolls.

Ed of Happily Ever After in Philadelphia brought a nice selection of merchandise including Integrity Toys, Tonner and more. You can see him and Marcia's husband (taking pictures) around the back of this sales table. I'm sorry, I did not get the name of whose table this top one was.
Another sales table.

Robin Atwell and Monica Cooper

Several MetroDolls club members displayed their Cholo Ayuyao fashions in a mouth watering display.

------------------------------------------------------>>>  Go To Part III MetroDolls


MetroDolls Event Part I

Today we attended what felt like a mini doll convention in Iselin, New Jersey. This complex event was put on by the MetroDolls doll club. The members worked very hard to coordinate and pull off a luncheon that was very well attended not only by doll collectors but also by professional doll designers and artists. In addition to Robert Tonner who was the featured speaker, Doug James, Mel Odom and Paul Pham were there. Designers from all over the world sent in stunning creations for the charity auction.
The charity auction items.

The table centerpiece:
Various Club Members and Other Doll Stars: Doug James, Adrian, Carmel, Ed Haley, Mel Odom, Mike Basala, Cindy Lorimer, Paul Pham, Tim, Bob, Laurie Lenz and Robert Tonner.
Competition Entries:

-------------------------------------------->>More in MetroDolls Part II


Photo of the Day: "Domestic Goddess" by Tom in CA

This gorgeous combination of J'Adore Gene doll, dress by Bogue's Vogues and an Ilaria wig makes wonderful eye candy.
Photography by Tom in CA who says,
"Roast warming in the oven...table set...children presentable..."

Ilaria Time of Doll Wigs

Bogue's Vogues Etsy Shop


Gabby and Violet Return

Gabby & Violett are coming back. Doug James is producing resin versions of the 16" dolls who were retired a few years ago after a brief life.  All of your Daisy and Willow fashions will fit and that tells me that Tyler fashions will also fit.
Gabby Field and Violet Somers
 Here is a photo of the resin Gabby taken by Alexandra Forbes:

Here is Violett:

Here is the link for pre-ordering:  http://www.ceddolls.com/gabbyviolett.htm

Here is the link to Alexandra's Flickr photostream. There are several other photographs of the two new dolls posted there. http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexs_attic/sets/72157636147384453/

Be warned...once you start looking at Alexandra's photos, you will remain at your computer for a long time!