
Barbie Collector Queen of the Constellations

Just a reminder for those who have been waiting for the Gold Label Barbie Doll, Queen of the Constellations, she is due to be released on 5/16/13. You must be a member of the Barbie Collector Club to purchase one.

I think she has a gorgeous face and her hair is stunning. Hopefully for those who buy her, she will look as good as the promotional photos. Unfortunately, her dress is not removable although the cape is. She's not my cup of tea but she's definitely eye candy.

The description from the BC.Com page:
Regally dressed in a golden metallic dress with a bejeweled corset and dramatic black metallic-striped cape, the Queen of the Constellations Barbie doll is a commanding presence. Unique golden embellishments include a futuristic flared crown, collar adornment, and intricately shaped epaulets. This doll is the third and final in the futuristic space goddess series.

Body Type:ModelMuse
Skin Tone:Peace
Facial Sculpt:Mermaid
Fashion Sewn On?:Cape is removable, dress is not removable

Included with doll:
Shoes, stand, crown, corset, collar.
 Price is $100 (for a vinyl Barbie) but if you've saved, you can use your 2nd $20. club reward on her.


Ficon Leonie

I've rarely played with Leonie although she is my only Ficon doll. She has a serious posing issue. Her knee joints are not strong enough to hold a pose - even when she's on a stand - without major fiddling. She is a candidate for wiring. (Oh, Adrian...) She's got a little head, too. I like it as it is really more proportionate than most other 16" BJDs. 
Here she is in her new Ilaria Time of Doll wig. She's wearing Ficon designed fashions and the shoes are Paul Zhangby. (eBay/China)

If you do not already know, the Doll Peddlar is the best source for Ficon dolls, clothes and accessories once they have sold out on Ficon's website. Ficon fashions fit Jamieshow dolls beautifully.

Perhaps if I put a pair of these boots on Leonie, she'd stand up without buckling knees.



I Don't Believe It

A Style Mantra Eden just sold on eBay for $1,026. The winner has a feedback score of 15. There were 35 bids from 19 people. Seriously? Why would someone pay so much for this doll? I know she's popular but come on.

Integrity Toys Photo
Do you think they will debox her?