
Parting Shot

We're leaving for IDEX in the wee hours tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the Mel Odom event and seeing other doll buddies without a computer between us.
The spousal unit and I will also play at Universal for a few days. It's going to be so much fun.

Here is a quick picture I took of Inro the other day. I've been trying out different wigs. I like her in the darker shades.  I did get a wonderful new wig from Ilaria yesterday and it will make it's appearance in FDQ soon.


Watch Mel's Presentation LIVE!

George of Angelic Dreamz just announced that they will be live streaming the IDEX presentation at the Mel Odom/FDQ/Jamieshow event in Orlando on Saturday April 13, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

Here is the information and the link to join.


It's my understanding that other portions of the 3 day IDEX will also be broadcast but I do not have the specifics.

George also posted on Studio Commissary that the new doll will have a different body from the Jamieshow dolls. Will she be closer to the Gene Marshall body? Will a resin Trent follow eventually? Oh my.
