
MetroDolls "A Gothic Romance"

On Sunday, October 2 MetroDolls held a fabulously successful charity event and raised $15,033. to benefit Autism Speaks.

Event doll from Tonner Doll:

Gothic Romance
The Gene Centerpiece Doll:
Midnight Encounter
Tonner Ultra Basic companion Dolls: Glinda sculpt on the Antoinette body, blonde and mink:
Gothic Essentials: Event Souvenir Cape and Accessories:

Nightfall: MetroDolls Event Fashion:

See more pictures and information about the event at the MetroDolls website.


I've Crossed Over...

Yes, I did.  I ordered a Sybarite.  Blame it on Obama. Why not.  Everyone blames him for everything anyway.
Ooooo...sorry, no politics on this blog. I give credit for my change of heart to another doll manufacturer.
A hearty thank you goes out to them. Yes I can! There's always more to be revealed.

I have heard such great things about the posing of the new Sybarite body and it's posing that is of the ultimate importance to me in my photography.

I ordered Talc, silvery blue lips and all.

When I evaluated the amounts of money I was spending on the 12" dolls over the course of a year and the amount of dissatisfaction I was having and the fact that they just keep piling up and standing around, I realized that it was time to gradually stop. It's going to be difficult because of the instant gratification that many of the smaller dolls provide. But with my favorite characters having been discontinued and so many of the not-so-old bodies discoloring badly, there are incentives to stop the hunting/gathering behavior in favor of truly refining the horde.

Wish me luck.


Seen on Prego - Eshe

Adrian Cardozo posted this fabulous image of JAMIEshow St. Tropez Eshe.

Normally I wouldn't recommend lighting a doll from below unless she had fangs but in this case, it's working. It's almost as if she's looking into a fireplace.

Adrian's blog: Dollphilia  Diary of a Doll Collector