

First the bad news; then the bad news. Both sides of Thanksgiving Barbie's neck are cracked and she has two black marks on the back of her right thigh. Just when I was so happy with myself for buying her...UGH.
I have written to BC.Com regarding the issue and offered to send pictures. I hope they offer to replace her at no cost to me. If not I may try to put tiny bits of crazy glue into the crack.

I am so glad I deboxed her.  I can't stand leaving dolls in boxes. I opened up the inside of the box and took these photos using the interior of the box as a background. I need to work on the bottom of the first image a little more to fill in the blank areas with the floor pattern.


Who is Charmaine King?

Was Charmaine King an aviator cum fashion model? If Byron Lars was attempting to do steampunk, he failed.
I like the helmet with goggles, the scarf and the big hair. What I do not like is the dress bottom. This dress would have been hot if it were white 'leather' and stopped just above the knee.  Long gloves out; driving gloves in. Throw a bunch of strange geared and clock jewelry around her neck. Put her in some platform boots with appropriate adornment and voila, steampunk trendy.

Doll retails for $100 directly from Barbie Collector.Com
Wait for a sale.

Superdoll Sale

You know you're in trouble when a collector in Germany emails you about a sale in Great Britain. But I'm so glad she did! I got my Bride Innoquii - still not inexpensive at 120 GBP plus postage plus the little extra Paypal tags on. It came to $230.64 which is a lot nicer than the nearly $350. it would have cost at full price. I'm so excited. Now my pirate will have a sister.


Why is everything going on sale right before the convention? This is a bad time for a convention. I hope next year's is earlier in October.