
Autumn 2010 Issue of FDQ

The Autumn 2010 issue of FDQ has hit the newsstands and subscribers are receiving their mailed issues now. My latest piece is an interview I did with the doll fashion designer, OVAZ.  You can see 8 glorious pages of stunning fashions photographed by me with lots of background information about Osvaldo. 

Ovaz has been designing and creating beautiful fashions for 12" dolls for a while but I think he truly stepped up his game with his new collection called "The Cocktail Hour." This collection contains 9 different complete outfits. You get shoes, earrings, a tiny cocktail menu and a purse or other accessory. The packaging is very attractive. This is all hand-crafted for the fantastic price of only $45. - $50.  for each ensemble! 
There are only 30 of each design and they are sure to sell out quickly.

Click on this link to go to Ovaz' website and you will see the fashions and much more:  OVAZ Designs

 You can purchase an issue of FDQ at many doll retailers and directly from FDQ Media

Go forth and read!

Haute Doll Confirms: Ceasing Publication

Here is the full text of an email I just received from Haute Doll:

Dear Valued Partner:

We wanted you to be among the first to know that after many wonderful years of publishing Haute Doll, we have decided to turn the publication over to Madavor Media/Doll Reader. Our last issue will be July/August, 2010.

We have decided to retire and go on to new adventures.

We know that Doll Reader will provide a great home for Haute Doll and will continue publishing Haute Doll within the pages of Doll Reader as a special supplement. Doll Reader has a strong reputation and following within the world of dolls and has the largest circulation of any doll publication. Their editorial content is written by world-renowned experts, and they keep the doll enthusiast up-to-date with the latest happenings.

The first issue will be included in the October issue of Doll Reader. Madavor is committed to serving all current subscribers and will provide you with additional audience of passionate, enthusiastic and loyal doll subscribers within their Doll Reader to expand your reach.

Madavor Media publishes other titles and manages trade shows including IDEX – the premiere trade show for dolls, bears and other fine gifts. These publications and shows are No. 1 in their respective fields in the collectible, sports, music and enthusiast markets. Through its print and digital magazines, trade shows, Web sites, e-mail newsletters and other partnerships across the publishing industry, Madavor offers unique ways to communicate with passionate consumers who are eager to learn more about products and events that support their interests.

We thank you for your support of Haute Doll over the years and have enjoyed working with you. We are excited that through Doll Reader, Haute Doll will be able to continue to provide excellent content and beautiful photos of the most fashionable dolls in the industry. If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact Madavor Media’s subscription department at 1-800-437-5828 or 617-706-9110.

Warm Regards,
Marlene Mura and Karen Caviale
Publishers, Haute Doll

Integrity Toys' Red Queen ~ Nu.Fantasy Doll

 She's here and she's ready to cut off their heads.

The flamingo is from a Mattel Queen of Hearts doll. 


Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. ~Slovenian Proverb

I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell - Harry S Truman

Once I posted a cartoon to which a gay person objected because there was a reference in there that he felt slighted the gay community. I had choices. I could have explained how the cartoon was a joke, blah, blah and that I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I could have ignored him and dismissed his feelings. I could have removed the cartoon.

People of little understanding are most apt to be angry when their sense is called into question.  - Samuel Richardson

After some thought, I decided to remove the cartoon because it was not related to the theme of my blog in the first place and it wasn't worth it to hang on to my "rights" to post what I saw fit. This is a blog whose theme is dolls and doll collecting. If you log in here one day and find, for example, stories about abortion or women's rights or intermarriage or global warming or weight loss, you would certainly have reason to express concern about the content. I want you to come and read my blog as often as you can!

A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice.   - Bill Cosby

 If you logged on to a doll board that you've been an active member of for many years only to find a slew of pictures some unknown jerk secretly took at a Walmart store of unknown people in various states of undress, bad clothing, huge bodies hanging out all over and looking like the most downtrodden, slovenly group imaginable, what would you think? What would you do? 

Honesty is never seen sitting astride the fence.  ~Lemuel K. Washburn

Revenge has no more quenching effect on emotions than salt water has on thirst.   - Walter Weckler