
"Snow White" Kumi and "Rose Red" Yuri Price Drop!

I blogged about these Nu.Fantasy dolls here:

The W Club announced the price reduction on these dolls from Azone and BIC, Integrity dealers in Japan, supposedly due to the strength of the yen and negotiations with the factory. That doesn't sound honest to me. If these dolls were flying out the door, the yen could have been as strong as ever and the price would have stayed the same. The reception from collectors to this pair was quite cool and I think the lack of interest spurred the price drop more than the strength of the yen.
It's the economic principle of supply and demand in action. Consumers won't buy -> supply is great -> price drops.
Deceptive backpedaling.
Why couldn't they just say they priced the dolls too high for this market and have adjusted the price accordingly?
Would negotiations with the factory go like this? "We won't pay you and your children will starve?"


Pictures of Sandra Stillwell's Gene Display at Convention

Believe it or not, this is only a small portion of Sandra's doll collection! How she packed it all up and shipped it to Philadelphia must be an interesting story. Perhaps she drove but I don't think so as she lives in the south.
It was a large, poorly lit room so no complaining about the quality of the pictures, please.

Click here to see pictures.

It's easier to move from picture to picture if you click on the small white triangle/arrow next to each large image.

Jason Wu Wins Swarovski Award for Womenswear

Click on title of this post to see Jason's blog.


Back Again with More Stardust Stuff

Stuff...it's what our lives are filled with. Coming home from a convention goes beyond instant gratification of dolly desires; it exceeds the MDR and quickly becomes overload. I have to photograph the spoils of war in order to grasp what greed really means.
Top - bagged outfits purchased in the Integrity store at very low prices. The boxed fashion was also a 'steal.'

These two fashions I could definitely live without but at the price, why should I? Purchased in a room sale.

From Happily Ever After, this DAE fashion will fit Trent (at least that's what they told me.)

In addition I picked up three wigs from Marcia and a sweater from Dayle in the vendor's room. I swooned over a gorgeous gray silk dress with ribbon embroidery from Pam Seeman of Paintbox Designs. It became mine.

I got so tired of shopping that I actually forgot to buy something I wanted. Don't tell my husband you heard me say that. I will deny it.