
Picture of the Week Award ~ April 25, 2010 ~ Tatiana Wisotsky

Tatiana posted this gorgeous shot of Regal Estate Agnes (who appears to be freshly bathed.) ;-D  She's looking stunning in satiny white robe against the black and white of the Fashion Royalty bedding.

Tatiana used a hand held Nikon D90 with it's built-in flash for this photo. Normally when she is shooting her dioramas, she likes to use "angled external flash instead of direct" lighting. She says, "that allows for better color and light distribution throughout the shot. By angling the flash head up and bouncing it off the ceiling, you get a soft diffused light and avoid lens shadows."

A note of caution about bouncing your flash. Make sure you are bouncing the flash off a color that will not affect your photo unless you wish to have a color cast. If you don't have an appropriate ceiling you can bounce your flash off large white poster or foamboard. Most cameras can be fitted with a diffuser for a hot shoe flash as well.

Congratulations, Tatiana, on your Picture of the Week Award!


Agnii Bathing

More comic relief has been provided by several board members in the form of photos. This one by Karon Montague shows Regal Estate Agnes X 2 being bathed in a mold killing solution along with her suit jacket.The provided caption was "What are you doing here?

Another photo created by Jenn in Florida shows her Regal Estate praying that another collector's Agnes will arrive ASAP.
Collectors are trying to accept the situation and overcome it with humor and I think it's working!


Reviews: Temptation Vanessa and Fire Within Jordan

Temptation Vanessa is the most unattractive Vanessa I have ever ordered. I'm laughing at myself because my obsession with Vanessas made me do it. The sequin dress is style-less, the black shoes do not enhance the pink sequins and her hair...oy. She arrived yesterday - along with two other Fashion Royalty dolls.
I rarely photograph my dolls outside as I don't like to contend with wind, uneven surfaces, insects and the lack of control of lighting. But today I took her and Jordan out into the garden (along with the dog) and my point and shoot camera. The pictures are good enough for the review. That's all I'm going to say about the photography except that the first picture below is horrid.
Vanessa is actually very pretty once her outfit is removed and her hair is flattened and loosened. She is at this time sitting nekkid with curlers in her hair.
Here she is in the cottage first and then in the garden.

The dress from the rear:Her hair from the rear with the bump opened up:Luckily her hair is fully rooted. There are two small pony tails secured by easy to remove rubber bands. One, as you can see, is pinned and that's also easy to pull out. I did not remove the pin securing her bangs.
The shoes:Do you see the way the strap is threaded from side to side and then curves over the toes? It should not have come down that far because the strap doesn't lay flat and it's in the wrong place—very strange. I will examine them further to see if there is a possibility of altering them because I do like the platform base and the shoes do fit.

Fire Within Jordan. There are no quality control issues with her!
I'm not sure whether or not I actually like the outfit for a non-teenage doll. There are lots of details and they appear to be well sewn. I like her earrings and shoes. Her hair is straight and center parted. I haven't removed her jacket yet.
Here she is.

Jordan also comes with elbow length, faux leather potholders and a gathered tulle head thing. The hat pins are actually nicely scaled!
If you're thinking of purchasing Vanessa, she's sold out at all the dealers but I'm sure you can get her on eBay. Retail was $79.

Jordan is most likely available at most retailers at $139.

The other doll that arrived yesterday was Incandescent Monogram. She's up next.