
Tonner Tuesdays

Every Tuesday at noon EST, Tonner Direct posts sales which last until 5PM. The items are an assortment and are different every week. 
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 I want this Antoinette outfit called Incendiary. I'm not a fan of the gloves but I love the style of the dress and the print. Antoinette fashions fit the Avantguard dolls. Most of the Antoinette outfits were originally in the $99.99 (MSRP) range which is not exactly user friendly. Now it is on sale for $49.99. Unfortunately, there is also shipping and NY tax which brings it up to an unfriendly price again. So I will wait until nearby non-New York dealers put it on sale or hunt it down on the boards.

Tonner Photo
Most dolls are categorized as "Dressed Dolls" or "Ultra-Basic Dolls." Here's one that's classified as "Semi-Dressed."
Tonner Photo
Kermit is not on sale but the 11 inch Basic Miss Piggy is. She is $39.99.

I really wonder how popular this line has been as I haven't seen collectors posting photos of these characters. If you have these dolls, I'd love to hear from you about them.


  1. I have Miss Piggy...I couldn't resist. I think it is a generational thing. I would own the whole line if Robert made costumes from the series (Veternarian Hospital pr Pigs in Space) and the movies.

  2. I have the fashion Incendiary. The dress has a nice cut but the colours are muted to the point of being called "dull". Not what I was expecting.


  3. @Anonymous: I guess I'd better check it out before buying it. Thanks for the tip.

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