I expected a live event with live pictures rather than just live voices and pictures. It was over after about one hour. About 6 questions were taken from attendees. The event was scheduled for two hours so I wonder what was missing.
One by one each grouping was shown. I compliment the size and quality of the images. For the first time we have been shown images that didn't try to be artsy but rather intended to display the dolls and fashions with appropriate lighting and focus.
The Event dolls are a set of two mini Avantguards, Aphrodisiac (on the left) and Androgyny and will sell for $175. That's a fair price for the two. I would have rather gotten a Fashion Royalty doll but many are pleased with this choice. They are wigged as are the original full-sized versions and are dressed in the same fashions. It's a cute idea. I think it will be fun to photograph the two Aphrodisiacs together. I don't have Androgyny anymore. I wonder if there will be a mini Goldmine. She would definitely find a place in my collection!

The Fashion Royalty Monogram Collection, in my opinion, was the winner out of all the lines. Besides the doll Brilliance, which I have previously reviewed, there is a lingerie version , two fantastic dressed dolls and another dressed doll that I will pass on. Each one is $150 except for the lingerie version which is $120.
I don't like the pink gown from the waist down and that's a shame. The fabric detail on the bodice and shoulder and the cute beaded hat are lovely. I like the look of the short wig as well. The structure of the skirt reminds me of the outrageous Biltmore Hotel Gene Marshall gown from years ago. The Biltmore gown was a work of art. I don't want to spend $150. for a Monogram doll whose outfit is useless to me.
I finally found a use for Brilliance's outfit...it fits a Silkstone doll perfectly!

But I digress. Back to the debut.
Next up are the Fashion Royalty dolls themselves. They were divided into two categories, Dazzle and Foundation....whatever. Foundation would be a good name for a line of lingerie dolls.
The Dazzle dolls have 60's hairstyles and Heidi Klum type sequined dresses. They are $79. except for the Kyori giftset which is $175.

The Kyori giftset comes with a big red ruffled gown sporting a beige bow, a plaid suit with a blouse underneath, two pairs of shoes, earrings, bracelet, ring and black potholder gloves.

Overall, the theme of the collection is a little bit of this and a little bit of that as far as fashion eras. It's certainly not like Jason's runway collections which are cohesive and relate to eachother.
The Foundation Collection
Staying Power Darius Reid and Model Citizen Lukas M., two Hommes in ill-fitting suits carrying great man bags and wearing great shoes. $139.00 each. This is not a giftset with two dolls. I have combined them into one image to save space. One can only hope that the jackets do not actually fit the way they look in the pictures.

Jordan is very pretty and I think her outfit is adorable. I'm hoping the construction lives up to my expectations as it looks complicated. I will get rid of the pot holders immediately. I love hats for my dolls.

Tricks of the Trade Eugenia Perrin Frost $139.00
Which "trade" is that? The outfit is cute, I think. Actually I don't know what to think about this doll. I'm afraid she'll open her mouth and the fangs will come out. I am ordering her because she is so strange that she's interesting.

Private Goddess Natalia Fatale $150.
Someone is going to have to rethink the color and the draping of the fabric on that dress.

Winning Ensemble Luxury Wear Fashion $69
I want the doll that is modeling this outfit. It appears to be Vanessa before the LDS hairstyle was applied. The outfit is another mini bubble skirt type dress in spring colors, a 50's bow hat with tulle, and the ubiquitous black gladiator shoes. I'm undecided.

The Three NuFace dolls below are Perk Colette, The Great Pretender Lillith and Mais Oui! Giselle Diefendorf. Each is $99.
Giselle's outfit comes with a fitted black jacket that has an interesting peplum. I think they're all adorable. The clothes are edgy eye candy. Colette and Lillith have beautiful faces. They will be mine.

Flash Star Luxury Wear Fashion $69.

Poppy Parker, the Dynamite Girls and ITBE will be covered in the next post.
Enigmatic and Incandescent fashions were great, but I don't like the monogram dolls, so I'm not sure what to do...
ReplyDeleteI am pleased with Colette & Giselle, but absolutely hated Lilith's sweet pink look. It's just not something that appeals to me.
I do not like the bubble skirt look. It takes me back to the 1980's, and not in a good way.
Eugenia's facial screening I'm sorry to say, I find repulsive. And I LOVE Eugenia. So that was unfortunate for me.
I found the Heidi Klum Barbie for 9.99 at ROSS. I'm quite happy with the dress for that price, and you are correct. Mattel did a better job with the sequins & fit (you cannot put lining in a sequin mini dress and have it fit on a 1/6 scale doll correctly IMO). I see no reason to buy one for $79.
If not for the event AG mini clones, which I could not order fast enough, I would only be buying 2 dolls from this unveiling.
The good news? I will have extra money to look backwards & buy some previously released fashions that I do like.
I don't know if it's just me, but I can't help thinking of Duffy when I look at Vanessa.
ReplyDeleteI am not fond of Disco "1954 Studio", unless it's a cool John Travolta suit.
As you've mentioned Terri, the disco ball size Afro puff on Adele turns me off as well. I Like her softer make up, but can't understand the choice of hairstyle, and why gives another Afro (recalling her wig version)
I was on the fence on Colette because her hairstyle isn't quite flattering, but she can easily be restyle.
Lilith is a must (in spite of pink outfit).
Thanks for the updates/fun commentary!
@Carine: Who is Duffy?
ReplyDeleteLOL Studio 54.
You forgot the 2nd fashion from i believe the Dazzle line. I really loved that prototype Dania as opposed the tangererine red with helmet hair
ReplyDelete@Marty: You are correct. I guess I was underwhelmed.
ReplyDeleteMy first reaction was "What has happened to Fashion Royalty?" .. the closest thing to royalty is the Natalia Disney Princess look in 'Private Goddess" LOL... and she isn't fashionable. You are correct about that one Terri... this dress desperately needs altering.
This line-up doesn't feel like imediate sell~outs to me, unless the numbers are low.
The skirts seem really short on the more adult dolls in the line. As for the "Mini me" dolls.. my first reaction was "run out of ideas already?" .. I don't know.. maybe it's just me.
Still no Veronique.... Maybe she saw the Disney Princess dress on Natalia and thought she was out of there. LOL. I do like the Eugenia doll for it's fashion sense, and the Nu-Face doll's clothing.
Thanks for posting and reporting Terri.
Always a pleasure to read your blog. Truly.
While I can't say I have much interest in any of these dolls, I do so love you thoughtful and brutally honest commentary! Just when I thought I'd seen the last of Dick Vitale in drag...
ReplyDeleteHi Terri, Duffy is that British singer (she is young but sings old school Soul style music, same hairstyle)
Oh, goody! This Adele doesn't seem to be in favor. Maybe I'll be able to get her later this year. Fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the photos, Terri! I have enjoyed the reviews and comments, too.
I'm thinking they must have ordered too much fabric from the Frog Princess, and used the left overs to make Natalia's gown.
ReplyDeleteWOW ..my first thought after looking at the pictures is that IT put all the ideas and work on the Monogram dolls and speciallly their outfits...they seem to be cohesive and coherent..except the lingerie doll 9 aren't the moniograms supposed to be Haute Couture?
ReplyDeleteWhom ever asked if they ran out of ideas on the miny AG..is So right one is a good (but terribly unnecesary) hommage to the AG now 3 is just plain desperate...
The Studio 54 line is pretty but just that the hair does nothgin for me, actually i think that they took the theme too literal, they could have done the same dresses with a much modern adn edgy hair style and they would have given collectors a much versatile doll....
the Kyory Gift set comfuses me..wher eis she going/ did they spend all the money o the beads for the small dress and forgot aboutt eh gown?....Another bow in the front? ( OV Agnes and Dania) ...The bussiness suit..why???
The Nu face dolls are OK to me...
No are Jordan adn Eugenia touring with Britney or the PussyCat dolls?...The fashions are terribly..and natalia poor thing she went from evil caniving bitch to Disney princes... maybe she'll be training shamu next sumer?
@Dolling_Boy: Adrian you are soooo funny. Training Shamu? LOL.