
SHANTOMMO's Haute Couture 2015: Three New Looks

If you are not on his mailing list, get it done! Ryan Liang has been creating edgy fashions for quite a while but I just received my first last month and I'm a total fan. This dress, modeled by Veronique on an FR2 body, is from his Dark Fantasy Collection. It's made very well and I love it.

Ryan's new collection consists of three fashions for your 12" dolls as seen below:

They sold out very quickly but it you get on the mailing list, you may be able to snag one or more for yourself next time.



Emma Jean's "Dramatic Entrance" Outfit

Described as a "simple black knit dress beneath a stunning rich and creamy coat trimmed in faux fur and a velvety collar," this is the one and only item from the Deja Vu line that I have ordered. I don't own any Deja Vu dolls but I fell in love with the look of this ensemble and rightly assumed that the roomy coat would fit any of my 16" dolls.

Modeling here is Tonner's Cami. The dress, which I don't show, is slightly on the tight side as I couldn't snap all the snaps. I did not put on the black hosiery and the shoes, although they fit, have a more of an arch than Cami's feet have.

 The large collar can be turned up.
On Cami, the hat is too large so a straight pin was used to take up the slack. If I had wanted to put the hat all the way down to her eyebrows, it might have been the correct diameter.

The ensemble really should have come with earrings. It wouldn't have been a big deal to make matching jet bead studs.

I like the construction of the coat but this very visible spot needs attention. Where is the other half of the triangle?

The promotional photo below doesn't look like my coat. I wonder if they are all this way. I need another triangle to replace the half that's there...or something.
Instead of placing the triangles this way, the appliques should have been shifted around so no triangle had to be halved. That's a design flaw. Perhaps the factory made the decision.

Here is what the shoes look like on Cami.

In spite of everything, I like the outfit and will be putting it on one of my BJDs.


Kingdom Doll Sculpts - So Far

Let's put the argument to rest regarding how many different sculpts KD has used.

This is not about opinion or personal taste. 
It's not about one's inability to distinguish between facial features. 

These are facts.

2014 - Novantae = Nelson, Brighton, Hadrian and Brunel (the four seasons of the sculpt before she was completely retired)
2014 - Brigantes = Brigantia (our limited edition sculpt)
2015 - Silures = Chaucer and Dauphine (The Paris exclusive doll)
2015 - Dubunni = Eira, she will also be used for Liberty in October. (The Kingdom Doll Event)
2015 - Selgovae = Soon to be released in July as Orbit.

You can see more photos on the Kingdom Doll site.


Thinking about my own collection, all of my Sybarites use the Venus sculpt. I don't think anyone looking at my Sybs would say they look alike in any way. My Fashion Royalty Vanessas have the original sculpt. It never occurred to me that I was buying dolls that looked alike.

We all like different things. I've tried many dolls that I just didn't bond with. I never disliked a doll because I didn't like the company. There was a company I really didn't care for. I have more of their dolls than any other in my collection. There is a company whose owner and employees I adore. I have a bunch of their dolls but rarely buy any now.

I don't take the attitude "Love me; Love my dolls." You don't like them, that's fine. But when someone goes on a campaign to diss a doll I may fight back.