
Monster High Ghouls Alive Film by George of Angelic Dreamz

Do you love the Monster High dolls? If so, watch this home made video by George Gonzalez of Angelic Dreamz. By the way, he sells the dolls...just in case you didn't know.




Throughout the years of my blogging, I have written about how I love Fashion Royalty Vanessa. When the 'designers' over at IT started messing with her face, they caused problems for those of us who loved her original big-eyed, open mouth look. One doll that appeared at the end of the convention in 2011 was an FR2 Vanessa called Evermore. She was just a little more popular than her very unpopular gown, many of which can hardly be given away.
Her eyes were slitty and her hair was designed in an unbalanced, off center bird's nest swirl. Not terrible but very hard-looking and not how I want my Vanessas to look.
I took the nest out and cut it off in an impulsive moment. Fooling around produced this silly look. It was fun.
Her pointy head hung around in a drawer until a few months ago when I sent her to be rerooted. Then she hung around even longer waiting to be styled.

This was my first attempt at doing a wrapped pony tail. I used a lot of Got-To-Be-Glued hair product to hold the wrap in place. I do not understand how people use pins to hold hair in place. Pins are straight (usually) and the hair just flops around them. Obviously there is a lot about hair styling I have yet to learn.

Here's my gal now.

Much better.But I really should have her eyes repainted. Sigh.


A Gown for Madra by Hazel McMahon

Every so often, I see a doll item that knocks my socks off.  Michelle in MI posted this picture of Madra wearing a gown created by Hazel McMahon. Not only is Michelle's photography top notch, the gown is mind blowing.

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See the original post on The Studio Commissary.