
OVAZ Fall 2011 Sneak Peeks

Ovaz keeps getting better and better. Not only are his designs wonderful, his photography rocks.  Here are a few pieces from the coming collection called DRAMA. These fashions are designed to fit AG, Ficon, Deva, Sybarite, Numina, Jamieshow and similarly sized dolls.



I love this doll.


Go North Makes an Appearance

I rarely apologize for my photography because I delete the trashy ones and fix up the rest if necessary. But I'm apologizing for taking picture of this beautiful Isha doll with a point and shoot camera. She does deserve studio time.

I was pleasantly surprised with this lovely creature. Everything works - her hair is done very well without over-processed ends; her makeup is perfect for the color and style of the fashion. If only she had an FR2 body...sigh. I will probably snip a few of the feathers that are interfering with her face but otherwise I won't change a thing.

Reinterpreted Runway Fashions - Shoes

My friend Petra from Germany found this reinterpretation by Fashion Doll Agency used on their Poete model. The originals (bottom right) are by Theyskens for Nina Ricci. Dramatic shoes!

On the left: THE JAMIEshow Shoe Collection
Purple Claw No Heel Shoes