
7-19-08 Valia Adore Arrives

The mailman just delivered Valia Adore. Of course I immediately ripped into the packaging and opened Valia's 'luxury doll' box and I am pleased. She's quite pretty as a brunette in her deep rose and black dress. I was undecided before about whether or not I'd debox but I will take her out. I'd love to know why the coat is wrapped like a bouquet. The original Valia had her lingerie wrapped similarly and I thought it was so the lingerie would not destroy the minds of young children, God forbid they saw a doll with lingerie in the same box they would all become sinners or worse, but now I don't think that was the reason. Anyone have an idea? Perhaps it was to make opening the package more fun. The act of pulling open a bow could cause waves of pleasure to course through your body.



All the posts prior to this one were transferred from my previous blog. There is no way I know of to edit the Blog Archive to show different dates so they all appear to have been created in June or July of 2008. The actual dates of writing each entry is in most of the titles.....just in case you were wondering.