
Sybarite Chandelier GEN X

The last in the line of Rebel Princesses went live at 10 AM Eastern Time today.
Here are the pictures and description from Superdoll. 
Text and photos by Superdoll.


With eyes of viola and pastel grape, arc of attitude brows in double tone ginger. Lids in pale pastel gentian. Lips the colour of dried rose.

Huge pastel auburn blend wig bearing above brow length fringe, in a 'voluptuous' state; cascading down and swirling into waist length big loose curls.

It's a great day for shopping!
Venus had booked her favourite privee haunt across from Dover Street Market, and sent in her florist to replace the ikebana she so doesn't like. For this privvy broad daylight affaire, she chose colour and pattern to make her statement. Bias scaled metalic a line skirt trimmed in sharktooth laser, a simple I WANT A PONY t-shirt, her favourite 'diamond' trimmed pink 'workmans' belt, and her new perriwinkle hose.
Knowing she's a doll and she would not be eating much today, she popped on a few gold coloured bracelets, and giggled her feet into her 'gold' double bow stilettos. Fluffing her curls in the mirror, she flipped it away from the wall to reveal her hidden safe. Upon opening it with he secret code, she reached in and grabbed a handful of bling, and flung a huge big gold 'Tiarra' pendant and her favourite square link chains around her neck. Opening her accessory closets, her fluffy fur and gold geometric bag could not add callories, and it is the perfect size to conceal her 'swan on swan' crown; so she chose it for todays tête-à-tête.
With the knowledge that they had called ahead to cool the aircon, she chose her little diamond trimmed 'chanelised' jacket, slipped it over her shoulders and headed for the door.

Realise she was 'just a little late' already, she told her driver to take the scenic route.
Venus loved to play games on her phone in the car while driving past the iconic sights of London.

Of course she comes with the following standard accessories:
-manic_cure hands (see booklet for hand change instructions)

Please alow 40 days and 40 nights for delivery

In stock and ready to be delivered
Price: £239.95 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


"Lavender Luxe" Barbie Doll

 The only Silkstone I've purchased this year is "Lavender Luxe."

She is a pretty redhead who reminds me so much of another Silkie I love, The Hostess.
Comparing the two, Hostess is prettier because she doesn't have horrible glitter on her lids and under her eyebrows.
In this photo I have intentionally blurred the under brow area because the glitter looked like she had a disease breaking out.

Although it appears to be a pony tail with giant curls, her hair is only secured with the net. Hostess' hair is a 'pony tail.'

The gown is pretty but still, neither nicely made nor from a finer fabric.
The front is passable. But the back has the kind of poor quality control that is very disappointing.

Silkstones, fading from my collection.


Tom in CA's Convention Oona

Tom in CA posted this stunning photograph of an equally stunning 'convention' Oona in honor of Sandra Stillwell's convention which is taking place now in Chatanooga.

She is wearing a wig by the uber-talented Ilaria. Tom got the luggage from the collection of Ben Grundfast.


Jamieshow's Alejandro and Marlena "On Michigan Avenue" Dolls

At the end of May, 2015, the new "On Michigan Ave" Jamieshow dolls debuted. I ordered Alejandro and Marlena at the convention in Chicago. They arrived three days ago.

This Alejandro differs from my other one in that he has facial hair screening. I know they're supposed to have the same sculpt but I see a difference in the nose. My new one appears to have a narrower, longer nose. I guess it's possible that the casting changed a bit. His eyes look different as well. I like them both.
Here are closeups side by side. The new one is on the right. Both are wearing Chewin wigs.

The pink jacket, blue shirt and ripped jeans are all Jamieshow products which were available separately a while back. The quality of these items are far superior to what he came dressed in. Someone reminded me that he is only a basic doll and one can't expect much. What I do expect with a $400. doll is a stand. George Gonzalez, an owner of Jamieshow Dolls, says that the reason the male dolls don't come with stands is because they're anatomically correct. That is not a good reason as far as I'm concerned. All my dolls are on stands unless they're sitting down. I'd never display a resin doll without a stand. His junk doesn't keep the stand from working in any way especially when he's dressed.

Marlena has an unusual look with her very pale resin and sharp features. When I started playing with different wigs, I saw more possibilities. In these photos, she is wearing a Chewin wig meant for Sybarite dolls. Her fashion is a Superdoll outfit called "D-I-V-O-R-C-E."  It fits pretty well except in the bust area. Marlena has a smaller cup size.

She has a look that can kill. With those piercing blue eyes and thin, mean lips she is not a doll for the faint of heart. I enjoyed putting a flowered hat on her. It's so opposite from the vibe she gives off.


Kinsman Doll Preview

Here's a first look at the two upcoming 17" resin BJDs from the artists at Kingdom Doll. Kinsman Doll is a separate entity; however, they will compete for your dolly dollars from what I can see.

Meet Garrick and Booth

Garrick has that haunting and intense Heathcliff vibe

Booth knocks me out. I will have him. Hahaha.

I do not know how much they will cost or when they will be for sale but I do know that they will be highly coveted.


Wearing the Same Old Outfit!

Going through my photos this afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea to post dolls who have never had an outfit change. 

Elise and Adrian
Sometimes they're just perfect the way they are.


Monogram Allure
I lied. I just changed Allure last week. But she stayed this way up to that point.

Monogram Interlude
Face Time Vanessa. Original is on the right.

Intoxicating Mix Vanessa. The one on the left is the original.

Flame Blue Vanessa
Luxe Life Vanessa
Vanessa (the original sculpt) wins. She always has.

I have three other FR dolls who are still dressed in their original clothes. Somehow they escaped my camera. I don't know how.

My only other dolls who don't get changed are my 5 Cissy megaliths and many Silkstone dolls.
I don't play with the Cissy, the Silkstone or any of my Madame Alexander 10" dolls.  I do have some Tiny Kitty dolls who have not had wardrobe changes but that's for another post, maybe.

Do you have many dolls you don't change?