
7-14-07 Hard Rock

_What's new? Hard Rock 2007. She had glitter on her lips and upper brows. I repainted the lips, added color to her cheeks and scraped off as much of the glitter as I could. Her hair needed a bit of taming as well. I'm searching for a QotH Natalia body for her. I like her face now.

So much fighting going on at the W Club Board. People feel they must tell others how to behave. Ugh.

I have poison ivy on the ring finger of my right hand! So annoying these little itchy bumps are.

I got a haircut today. Drastic change! It's short. It's good.
Gotta go to sleep now or just get in to bed and rest. Traveling to Long Island is tiring and the traffic was horrible.

6-25-07 Ellowyne, Diorama

I sold Ellowyne Red, White and Very Blue so I could buy "Nevermore." RW&VB was too modern for the other two Ellowynes I have. I want to keep her dressed in lacy, old fashioned styles that fit with her story line. There are people making clothes for her as if she were just an ordinary doll. I can't see it. The only one making suitable items for this doll is Tallulah!

This image is from the Wilde website. I ordered her last night.
I'm waiting on many items. One of them is the Clea Bella set. That's going to be very interesting and a big help in taking pictures within a room setting.
Speaking of room settings. I have set up a wonderful diorama of a living room/office in my studio. Here are some fun pics of that.

I love the couch and the desk and all the details. I need curtains for the windows.

Saturday is the Tonner sale. I'm trying to psych myself up for it. All I hope to find are Ellowyne items but you never know. It's a good opportunity to buy stuff to resell.

6-22-07 Ellowyne

Hey, it's only a month since the last entry. It could have been worse.

Lots of new dollies have arrived on the scene, notably three Ellowynes. I know, I swore I wasn't going to buy any more 16" dolls but this one got to me big time. She is really cute and I love her outfits. More than that, story line about being interminably bored endeared her to me. Here are my three girls.