
DOLLS Magazine Exclusive Poppy Parker Gift Set

A new Poppy gift set has been announced called "I Love How You Love Me."  This item contains one blonde Poppy doll and three complete outfits - inlcuding footwear for each fashion. The set will cost $150., payable directly to DOLLS Magazine and will ship mid-March, 2011.  All of the photos below are the property of Integrity Toys.

The W Club held a lottery; however, non-members or those not chosen in the lottery may purchase the giftset directly from DOLLS Magazine online shopping cart on January 10, 2011.


  1. I want a Poppy soooo baaaaad!

  2. I think Poppy is very cute but i am waiting for her friend Darla. I guess I really should start buying clothes in anticipation for her arrival.


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