
3-11-08 Gene Invasion

It looks like I've stopped posting again! I don't know why some things are such an effort. I've bought and sold so many dolls since the last entry, it's ridiculous. Quite a few Genes live here now! I went a little crazy in January and February. Compared to Fashion Royalty, the Ashton Drake dolls and outfits are so cheap. Several are on the corny side, however.

1-2-08 Swim Suited to a T Gene

Swim Suited to a T Gene in her new outfit. Lovely outfit, well made! Fits like a dream.

12-22-07 Luchia

This is Luchia holding a felted red poodle that I had an artist make for me. Below are images of the same doll. The last shows her with her hair redone.

12-19-08 She Comes in Color

She comes in color. One of this year's boxed fashions. Lovely.

12-11-07 Gene

I've added several dolls to my collection since my last post but haven't taken many photographs. The most surprising addition is a Gene doll. I liked her ever since seeing her last February '07 at FAO. She was one of my Chanukah/Christmas/Birthday gifts from Bob. Along with her came one of the new articulated Tiny Kitty dolls. Meh. I will not be collecting them. Their hair is hard to style. This one came with hard curls all over the place. I had to wash them out and then I tried to boil her hair straight. I'm wondering if saran is used for these dolls' hair. I think not.
I bought the convention centerpiece Erin and last season's basic Veronique. And there are so many more coming.