
Aren's Lingerie

Aren - You Must Love Me

I absolutely cannot get enough of this doll. She is just the prettiest, most expressive doll of my entire collection! I want another but I must wait until a tanned version comes out.

I've been buying wigs for her and she looks great in all of them. So now I'm trying to sell Hana to gather funds for another Soom girl. Perhaps a big one? The only problem with that is the clothes. I don't have any for such a big doll and they are quite pricey. Aren can wear Misaki clothes beautifully - even the shoes fit!

Sometimes I put her on my nightstand at bedtime to look at her before falling asleep.

With so many BJDs out there, I made the right choice.

Here are more photos of Aren.

3-26-07 Aren

I ordered Aren - You Must Love Me from Soom. Hope to get her shortly. She will be my third BJD. Can't wait.....

3-18-07 Poesie Sans Coleur

I wish I remembered to write more often. I am very happy to report that Poesie Sans Couleur Vanessa arrived last week. Since I didn't need the cocktail dress I sold it immediately. I photographed her in her wedding gown and sold that too. Was going to sell the lingerie but Vin changed my mind. I am waiting for my rerooted IM Vanessa to return from Susan K's salon with her new hair and do.

Poesie is already on a tall body. I was afraid to warm her up for fear I would ruin her hair but it's OK. I carefully monitored its placement in the heating pad and limited the time it was in there getting warm.

3-8-07 Orientdoll So

Look who came to live here! She is an Orientdoll So Ye. Pretty cute. She poses better than Hana whom I still have to wire. I'm waiting for wigs and some outfits for her. In this first picture she is wearing a Kelly dress.