
Halloween Convention Here We Come!

Tomorrow the spousal unit and I will be at the Tonner Halloween Convention in Burlington, Vermont.  Although we have attended quite a few local Tonner events, this will be our first weekend-long party. It's been a crazy busy month beginning with the Jewish holidays, being an observer of the Wu event and my son's wedding from which we just arrived back home 3 days ago. It's been so busy that I haven't been able to take the time to photograph many of my new dolls and outfits. That will keep me busy for the rest of the year.
Yesterday I wrapped our table gifts and got my photo contest entries mounted. Today I have to pack. I'm excited!
Keep an eye (or two) out for pictures from the event. And if you are reading this and will be there, please say hello.

Here is a link to the agenda for those who would like to know more:

2012 Barbie Dolls

One doll that will never make it through my front door is Shoe Obsession Barbie. Yes, those are shoes held in a tulle overlay on the dress. Her face is scary-cheerful.  This doll is wrong on so many levels. Designed by Linda Kyaw who also designed the literal Pantone Barbie. Retail.  $39.


The only thing I want is the necklace from the Hope Diamond Barbie doll.  I can just imagine how the hair will arrive on the real life doll. The facial screening is too cartoon-like for a sophisticated presentation like this. $75.


If you haven't seen pictures yet, here are pictures of the initial release of 2012 Dolls of the World which are due to be available in December. Designed by Linda Kyaw. Retail $29.99
From top to bottom they represent Argentina holding a baby cougar, Australia with a gray koala, China has a panda and Ireland holding an Irish Setter.


Nighty Brights™ Francie® Giftset

Mattel has posted that the new giftset with a Silkstone Francie doll will be available at 9AM Pacific Time on November 2, 2011. This is a Barbie Fan Club Exclusive and a Gold Label item of which 3000 units are produced. Retail price is $75.
Nighty Brights Francie Giftset is a fresh, fun take on Barbie doll's cute cousin, in a new Silkstone® body! She's all set for a slumber party in green baby dolls pjs with yellow, white and pink polka dots, matching bloomers and white slippers with pink pompoms. For daytime, Francie dons an adorable orange outfit accented with white and blue, white textured tights, and MODern white go-go boots! Accessories include a personalized hanger, green slumber mask, brush, comb and diary. She'll sleep tight in sensational style!

The first Silkstone Francie has already hit the shelves and eBay as "Check, Please!" Although the list price is $79. some dealers are selling her for $69. She is a Dealer Exclusive and a Gold Label item.

Just what the doll world needed - more unarticulated dolls and a sad looking little doggie.  But...the clothes are very cute vintage reproductions and I think she will be quite popular.