
Jamieshow Madra Redressed

Madra is modeling "Special Appearance," a gown by Ashton-Drake for Violet.

The jewelry was a table gift at a convention from another collector. The wig is by Ilaria.

The gown is covered with beads and sequins. It has no closures and slips on over the doll's legs - over a full length slip.

Here she is in a new wig from Chewin. Both wigs were made for Sybarites but they work on Madra.


  1. Madra looks very elegant, great styling! I also love the jewelry.

  2. That first wig is spectacular! The fact that a doll's entire "personality" seems to transform with the simple change of a wig is part of the fun. Seeing Madra in these different looks does point out the beauty of the face sculpt. In her original wig, she looked nice but not as special (particularly as I have that hairstyle in the Ashton-Drake First Encounter doll).

  3. Ilara's wig in the first photo is gorgeous, and I do love that dress.

    The Jamieshow dolls are pretty, but something about their faces/lips looks so "doll-like" and almost too smooth. I suppose that feature may be one reason others really like them.

    1. I understand what you're saying. It's the resin and the screening.

  4. the dress is just beautiful, the first wig really unique and fits the doll and dress perfectly: all she needs is a little ostrich feather fan. Excellent combo and great eye candy photos for a dreary day


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