
News About Upcoming Conventions

I have more information about the Jamieshow Convention which will take place on September 28-30 in Canandaigua, NY.
There are three workshops which will take place simultaneously on Friday. George Gonzales is doing Photography, repainting eyes and lips is being taught by Peg Stroud of PegFamousGirls and Styling Doll Wigs and Hair is being taught by Michael Scott. Attendees will be divided into three groups and will rotate through the classes so everyone will get a chance. The groups will be small enough for all to get personal attention. The workshops will take place in the Angelic Dreamz  historic firehouse building, the loft of which is above the shop. I've been there and it's a wonderful setting.

More about the teachers:
—You all know George's photography from the business and from his posts on the doll boards. They speak for themselves.
—Peg has been repainting and designing 12 and 16 inch dolls for more than 12 years.http://www.flickr.com/photos/89211057@N00/sets/  She is an accomplished tattoo artist and owns a business called Lady Luck Tattoo. http://www.tattooladyluck.com/
—Michael Scott designs and creates doll clothing.  http://michaelscottdesigns.blogspot.com He is also a professional cosmetician/hairdresser and he will demonstrate techniques to style the Jamieshow wig caps.

During the day on Saturday we will have a guided tour of the Strong Museum of Play's extensive doll collection and doll houses. http://www.museumofplay.org/collections/doll. Transportation and lunch is included.
Here is the outline of the schedule:
-Opening breakfast reception and registration and Inn on the Lake.
-Angelic Dreamz will be closed to the public but open to convention attendees for VIP shopping.
-Cocktail Reception on the Veranda of the Sonnenberg Gardens overlooking the formal gardens.
-Trip to Strong Museum of Art and Toy Hall of Fame. Lunch
-"Speakeasy" Costume and Cocktail event at the Loft with live jazz and a few surprises.
-Closing Brunch with presentation of event doll.

There are still a few openings. Click here to go to Angelic Dreamz web page.


Sandra Stillwell announced that her August 9-12  Radio Days convention in Cincinnati, Ohio is now sold out! She is taking a waiting list from which spots may be filled if she can increase the numbers or in event of cancellations.
If you have never attended one of Sandra's events, get on the waiting list. You won't be sorry.
You can call Sandra at 502 377-5153.


The Wilde Imagination event sold out almost immediately but I've noticed several offers from people who are willing to proxy for those who can't attend. There is probably a waiting list as well. Go to the Wilde Imagination site for more information.
The Integrity Toys event is always a big, exciting convention with lots of attendees, doll swag and more. This year it's in Orlando. There are spots remaining if you want to attend. Here is the link.

Yes, there are other conventions taking place between now and the end of October and when I get more information, I will post it. 

If you've never been to a convention, you might want to look back about one year on my blog for my post which discusses how much it costs to attend a convention.  

This was based on past experience and attendance at an Integrity Toys/Fashion Royalty convention. They have changed the format this year: one less meal, higher convention price, more expensive hotel - so the numbers aren't exactly accurate but you can get a good idea. As they get closer to the date, a detailed convention packet will be issued with specific prices for convention collection dolls and other events.

1 comment:

  1. way too many conventions or events, I feel for george tho becasue he is competing with FR,


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