
JAMIEshow Grace Tries on Wigs

The 2011 IFDC JAMIEshow exclusive doll, Grace, had her first real photo shoot today. She tried on a bunch of wigs. She photographs beautifully with her high cheekbones and beautifully painted eyes and mouth. Her resin has a satin finish with a good amount of body blushing.
Although she looks amazing in her original wild orange-red wig (first photo below), it's not my favorite type of wig to work with due to the stray hairs everywhere. The same goes for the fourth wig below which is Eshe's original wig. It takes a lot of post-processing to put out a photo that I like.
Both of these are wig caps which are unique to this line of dolls. The caps are themselves rooted and just pop onto the back of the head and are held on by a magnet. They are sold separately for $30 and can be seen at Angelic Dreamz. The red and blonde curly wigs below came with the dolls noted. 

Grace in her original wig.

Devon's Wig

Time of Doll by Ilaria Wig

St. Tropez Eshe Original Wig

Straight Black Wig Cap

Cheryl Wood Wig


  1. She is beautifull =) These are the bigger Angelic Dreams girls, right?

  2. Gorgeous photos, Terri. I enjoyed seeing them very much. I really like her in her original wig and also the Ilaria Wig..this photo is So Beautiful to me. She appears very expressive. There is a special emotive quality about it that I Love very much.

  3. @Ana: Yes these are 16" dolls from Angelic Dreamz.


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