

Compared to the power of nature there is nothing. We are powerless. Although reports keep saying that New York escaped major consequences, they fail to note that many NY State counties were crippled AFTER the storm was downgraded to a tropical. We watched as our 200 ft tall trees did the limbo in the wind. We heard cracking as a big one went over. The top of one of our tallest pines broke off and fell alongside the stream. Debris is everywhere and we are amongst the lucky in our area. Roads are blocked, bridges are washed away, power lines are down everywhere. In Woodstock, NY alone, no one has power, phone service or any essential service like that. And yet it is a gorgeous day. Above the sound of our generator I can hear chirping and bird songs. A handful of vehicles passes by in spite of the travel ban. I am suffering from True Blood withdrawal. No television. I'm such an addict.


  1. I can't immagine what you guys are going through over there Terri! I think there are no images or words enough to understand the feelings, unless you're living it.
    I'm really glad you're among the lucky ones though! Even if you miss TV :) Thank god for books, eh?! :)

  2. I'm glad you're okay but being without TB is a fate worse than death. :) Just kidding folks!

  3. Hope you and your neighbors get your power back on asap, Terri! Take care and stay safe!

  4. So glad to hear you are ok. Take heart, Illinois is sending help via lots of utility workers or so our paper reported a couple of days ago. Help is on the way!

  5. Hope you are well situated to wait out the repairs. Glad to hear you are OK, as are all the people I know in the (broad) area. Face book pictures of and near places I know are appalling!

  6. As long as YOU and family are okay, that's the important part, Terri. As bad as it was, it could have been truly worse. As Carin said, ComEd from Illinois has sent over a hundred crews to help, and they are stationed outside Pittsburgh.

    Let's hope power is back on for the repeat of True Blood, but if not- INTERNET!!!! They do run the episodes on HBO website (albeit cut a bit), for subscribers. There's always hope!

  7. you can watch showtime or anything else on tv on the internet! since you already obviously have the cable channel so go into their site online! We had a freeze 2 years ago in feb. where we didn't have electric for 2 weeks, it was below zero, my neighbor cut everyone out [trees were down on our main road and on our properties between our fences and our houses and then unless you had 4wd you still couldn't go anywhere] The closest town to try and get fuel or anything was 18 miles away. I am glad to hear you are well!

  8. as long as you have a voice, you're not powerless.... you just lack grid based electricity.

    glad you are ok.


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