
2019 IT Convention: The W Club Luncheon NU. FACE Offerings

Here is some text from the email that came with these photos:

"Here at the W Club, the W Club luncheon is always the highlight of the convention for us, as it gives us a chance to connect with and thank our members!
This year was no exception and Club members were thrilled to see the Paris Runway Giselle Diefendorf centerpiece doll walk the catwalk and were ecstatic to receive the NYFW Karolin Stone doll just for attending! Both were designed to celebrate the Fall/Winter 2020 Fashion Week by Jessy Ayala!

Then, Carol Roth hosted an informative Q & A panel on stage with the Integrity Toys design team, where Club members' burning questions were answered!"

IMO, the convention team should be connecting with the members throughout the event. They should be thanking each and every one of them big time for shelling out their money and supporting their business. I never understood why collectors thank the designers. That's backward. They're not doing it to make people happy; they're in business to make money.

Karolyn Stone was one of the most detested dolls when she appeared as the convention souvenir doll a few years ago. I'm not reading a lot of thrills on the boards; I'm seeing a lot of F/S posts.
Perhaps they're in style (somewhere) but the red vinyl pants are extremely unflattering to a doll who has a perfect figure.

As far as the burning questions, I wonder if anyone asked or wanted to ask about Roth's obnoxious post regarding the Obama's new home. There were plenty of burnt feelings when that came to light on the boards. What a joke she and her bullshit posts are. (I won't be winning any lottery offerings anymore.)


  1. While I do not know Jessy Ayala I like to see him succeed much like I wished a teenage Jason Wu success from afar. That said I really do not believe he is a "designer" but rather a stylist. IMHO this difference shows when he has to put togther multiple collections. His collections are getting less cohesive and most of his screenings are revisits of Jason's. Collectors are starting to tire of his "reimagining" previous dolls. Hopefully with a little more experience he will get better.

  2. Great post Terri but I kind of like the Karolin. The dolls are NEW. As always they will fade!

  3. Apparently IT sent an email saying if anyone will bring up political or social issues they call security. Doubt she was going to bring it up. She doesn't feel that she did anything wrong. Not apologetic. Neither does IT. She is offensive. Look at her twitter. She quotes from the Daily Caller.

  4. She also wore a Eddy Murphy shirt which I guess is supposed to signal that she is, in fact, not racist at all. Hahahahahaha....

  5. The W Club luncheon cost convention goers a whopping $150 to attend. The Giselle centerpiece doll retailed at another $150. I don’t usually spend $300 on lunch. So was the Karolin Stone doll really a freebie giveaway? I think not.

  6. Carol Roth said, "Unlike President Trump, who earned his money before taking office,..." Is she f*ing kidding me! She forgot to use the words ‘inherited’, ‘scammer’, and ‘bankruptcies’ in her bullshit post. "Impeach" is a good word, too. And your doll photos are beautiful, Terri. Thank you for a great blog.

    1. If one wants to call laundering money for Russian oligarchs, tax scams and stealing from people who work for you out their wages and money you owe them "making your own money." And he and his crime family are making money while he is still in office actually. There is Ivanka and Kushner that struck lucrative trade deals with China for themselves and got their jobs through nepotism. And plus Trump violated the emoluments clause and just a few weeks ago was going to award himself a contract and host the G7 summit at his own hotel to personally profit. He is a grifter and a criminal. Roth going off on the Obamas for making money is outrageous. She is a racist. And an apologist for a traitor and criminal who thinks it isn't so because she is civil about it.


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