
Halloween With Viola and Savile

I am so glad that my Kingdom Doll ladies can wear so many other doll's clothing. With the Tonner (Tyler) sized stuff, I do have to pin the backs. With this particular Gene gown, the fit was perfect - just slightly shorter than I would have liked but no one else would see that.

In these photos, Viola is wearing Tonner's Wicked Witch outfit minus the cape. I have her in Morgana's wig.

Savile is wearing an Ashton Drake for Gene black and silver lace gown. It's so perfect.

The neckpiece is from Joy Jarred. It's very strange and I love it.

Here they are side by side.

Savile, again.

1 comment:

  1. I like Viola's dress and Savile's necklace very much.


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