
Dolls With Guns

As if things weren't bad enough in the world as far as shootings and other violence, Integrity Toys has put out an IFDC doll shown aiming a gun. She is called "Anja as Agent 355."

I'm shaking my head at the stupidity and inappropriate actions of this with regards to a doll pointing a gun. Maybe the next one will have an AK-47.

Now you can recreate your favorite shooting scenes. Oh the joy.

There's nothing glamorous about a doll with a gun.


  1. Um I think this doll was aiming to evoke the Bond movies theme of the IFDC, and was designed long ago. She's a spy and is aimed to adult collectors. But every opinion is perfectly valid.

  2. I agree, Terri. This was in pretty bad taste. I dont care it is a toy, all this gun stuff, specially how it is displayed on this doll, pointed like this, just contributes to the nasty gun culture in this country and the glamorization thereof. And given the most recent events, and heck not even most recent, but for the past 5 years, it is in pretty bad taste. Whatever IT...

  3. Oh and the glitter suit. And her plain, boring make up. So much fugliness in one doll.

  4. regardless of the time designed, theme or audience targeted, NOW was not the time to release it. Epic fail!

    1. Thank you for posting, Erick.

    2. In mine and many countries with strict gun control, this is fantasy, as is James Bond.

    3. Unfortunately, this country is overrun with guns and assault rifles.

  5. I think they need to rethink this whole "secret agent" thing they're doing, releasing dolls with guns in this day & age is really not good. If they really felt she needed a weapon, they should have given her karate hands as an extra pair of hands instead.

  6. Thanks for your comments, Marna.

  7. Anonymous: sadly, in this country, gun violence is not fantasy and adventure and fun. It is the faces of small children blown away at close range to the point where their own parents cannot ID them. Stomach turning? It should be, because that is the reality of guns instead of some fun fantasy you only see in movies.

  8. I totally agree Terri. Thank you so much for posting this. I was not happy when Integrity gave Poppy a gun in her secret agent guise, expected much more social responsibility from this company. I am a Canadian and I am saddened every day by the terrible and tragic events in your country which I love very much.
    Keep on commenting in this vein: it is serious and important.
    Anne and Rodger Moore

    1. Why is there so much resistance to gun control in the States? It is stupid. They say the individual's right to bear arms is in the constitution but that's from 250 years ago or something! Times are's like hanging onto other social practices that don't work, IMO you need to look at society's greater good. We get crime here too, and 90% of the ILLEGAL guns are SMUGGLED in from the US. I talked to a couple in Seattle who responsibly trained their kids in gun use, one of there daughter's instructor was accidentally killed by a student, yet they were STILL in favor of legalized guns. I am a dual (citizen) but where are the guns, I don't see them, non of my friends or relatives have them in their homes (to my knowledge)and when I go to conventions I don't see them in peoples purses or pockets or doll bags (at least not real ones).

  9. 'Secret Agent' and 'spy' like James Bond? James Bond is an icon of toxic mascunity and violence. I collect fashion dolls- this isn't fashionable or beautiful. She doesn't even tell a story- or look well made. In a time of acute crisis in the US around gun violence this is horribly distasteful.
    This to me is right up there with those WWII action figure dolls that are celebrating war crimes as 'historical' memorabilia. Not cool!

    1. "James Bond is an icon of toxic masculinity".

      Exactly. And we don't need to celebrate that any more than we already are.

  10. Honestly, I didn't even notice the gun, she is beyond plain and as a such bellow my radar so I have overseen her completely. Did anyone notice that she has a map and a camera, those are cool retro accessories, they didn't even need the gun IMO.

    On the other hand Dasha as cyborg is MARVELOUS!!!! I am surprised you didn't mention her, Terri, as she reminds me of Sybarites and you like those :)

    1. I didn't see Dasha until yesterday. Look at the latest post on the blog. I like Dasha very much.

  11. The doll herself is cute- but I am getting pretty tired of the gun culture. I know a toy gun is probably inevitable in a James Bond type doll, but given all the recent gun violence, I will admit it was a turn off. The doll is pretty. I went for the weird cyborg who is not pretty but I kinda like (of course I like Monster High too so not surprising)


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