
Introducing Mel Odom's "Heart of Gold" Ivy Jordan

The much awaited appearance of Ivy Jordan was announced today by Jamieshow Dolls. For those not familiar with the name, Ivy Jordan is a character in the Gene Marshall line-up. The back story is that she was Gene's best friend and ally in Hollywood and was first produced in 2008 by Integrity Toys as part of their "Colour Deal" collection.
"Heart of Gold" is a 16" resin BJD and the first Ivy produced by Jamieshow Dolls.

Ivy is a limited edition of 125 and will be available for pre-order on January 15, 2016 at 6PM Central Time.  The price is $450.  payable in full or with FuturePay. Shipping will be the first week in February.

Here is the link to the full announcement which also contains a link that will go live at the stated time.

All images on this page are copyrighted by and the property of Jamieshow Dolls.


  1. Just when you'd think it couldn't get any does!!! JamieShow Ivy is, in one word, spectacular!!!!

  2. She's cute- I like the dress! I bet she will be popular.

  3. She's a real beauty and I love the way her golden ensemble flatters her lovely skin tone! Believe me I've got my timer set to ring when she's goes live in the JamieShow shop! :)

  4. I think she is the Prettiest IVY EVER and a definite MUST for any JS Gene collector. The fashion...HMMMMMMMMmmmmmm


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