
Kinsman Doll Booth

Booth arrived and, as you can see above, I did the unpacking ceremony in front of a camera. The packaging was secure and perfect and the doll arrived in pristine condition - no surprise there.

My new man arrived with a pair of briefs, his wig and a stand. I had no problem at all having him stand unsupported. His joints are excellent. There's no kickiness or looseness. Although his body shading may have looked heavy in some early promotional photos, in person the contouring is just right.

He's wearing Trent's sweater. I've got to try some other stretchy man doll clothing on him.

Real men love little dogs!


  1. I love your comment about the lightening of the contouring - that's actually why I didn't buy him initially (well that and the quick sell out)! I do think that it's amazing that perhaps if that was by design or they had read some of the comments by their fans, etc.

    I'm just so thrilled to see more men, that we can dress up (OR NOT) coming into the fold. And also glad to see someone else has an unpacking ceremony.

    I know they have some great clothing coming up meant for them, but some of Matt's clothes fit them from pics I have seen. That and frankly, the women to men ratio - I'm sure the women vote "nay" to clothing right now. Them them look their fill ;)


  2. He does look even better in your photos, and especially with the dog. Given the quickness with these dolls sell out and my apparent slowness on the computer, I passed on the initial release. Instead, I signed up for the Camelot event. The promotion mentioned Kinsman -- and a Lancelot upgrade -- so I'm hoping that will be a better opportunity. :-)

    Can't wait to see you pair him up with your other dolls for more fantastic photos!


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